.zshrc 설정ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k" plugins=(git adb brew docker docker-compose iterm2 flutter pod python node react-native xcode yarn gradle gem npm vscode) oh-my-zsh 테마 설정 https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Themes...
import 'package:flutter_ship_app/firebase_options.dart'; // inside main() await Firebase.initializeApp( options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform, ); However, this default setup won’t work for us because we have separate configuration files for each flavor: ...
.vscode assets fonts lib .flutter-plugins .flutter-plugins-dependencies CHANGELOG.md LICENSE PKGBUILD README.md analysis_options.yaml build-clash-lib.py build-deb.sh config.yaml fclash.iml icon.yaml pubspec.lock pubspec.yaml rpm.spec set_version.sh setup.issBreadcrumbs fclash / setup.iss Latest...
在Dart中,可以使用Future.delayed()函数来实现强制等待setUp函数的结束。Future.delayed()函数会创建一个延迟执行的Future对象,可以通过指定延迟的时间来控制等待的时长。 以下是一个示例代码,展示了如何在setUp函数中使用Future.delayed()来实现强制等待: 代码语言:txt 复制 import 'package:test/test.dart'; void ma...
Welcome to the First Episode of the Series: Hello World OpenAI: Crafting Accurate ChatGPT-Like Custom Search for SAPUI5 Application . So, in this episode, we will do the
Flutter pub在错误的目录中运行是指在执行Flutter项目中的pub命令时,当前所在的目录不是项目的根目录,导致无法正确执行pub命令。 解决这个问题的方法是确保在执行pub命令之前,当前所在的目录是Flutter项目的根目录。可以通过以下步骤来解决: 打开命令行终端或者集成开发环境(IDE)的终端窗口。 使用cd命令切换到Flutter项目...
Setting up a trusted RFC connection As a SAP Administrator I often get questions on trusted RFC connections. I also noticed on the SCN forums that there are often
开发工具:vscode 技术框架:vite5.2+vue3.4+vue-router4.3+pinia2 UI组件库:element-plus^2.7.5 (饿了么网页端vue3组件库) 状态管理:pinia^2.1.7 地图插件:@amap/amap-jsapi-loader(高德地图组件) 视频滑动:swiper^11.1.4 富文本编辑器:wangeditor^4.7.15(笔记/朋友圈富文本编辑器) ...
docker-compose.sh for installation of Docker Compose. flutter.sh for installing the Flutter app framework (doesn't touch Android Studio stuff, that needs doing manually) gh.md for installing the GitHub CLI git.sh git-default-commit-message.md for setting a default Git commit message gitkraken....
which for some reason it seems to take my locally installed curl? i don't know why, don't find it in any dep/xmake/cmake. Project config: .vscode\xmakeConfig.release.conf { arch = "x64", buildir = "build", ccache = true, host = "windows", kind = "shared", mode = "release...