Setup vs. Set Up – What’s the Difference? Setupis one word when it is a noun (e.g., “it was a setup!”) or an adjective (e.g., “follow the setup instructions”). It is two words—set up—when it functions as a verb (e.g., “I’m going to set up the computer”)...
Set up an IoT endpointWhen you deploy your resource group, several items are created. One of those items is the Service Bus Namespace. For Connected Field Service to communicate and process traffic, you need to connect to the Service Bus Namespace. There are two tools that you need to ...
Configure Visual Studio 2013 for debugging .NET framework In order to configure Visual Studio 2013 do the following in the Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General menu: Disable just my code Disable step over properties and operators Disable require source files to exactly match the original ver...
It's always annoyed me that I couldn't do that in previous versions. If you want to set up a dual-boot system it's much nicer to be able to shrink your existing ones during setup of the new OS to make room; I always have to dig out a Linux live CD. Anonymous November 22, 201...
Set up yourbuild configurationin App Center as follows: DisableMy Gradle settings are entirely set to handle signing automatically. Upload your keystore file to theKeystore fileupload file drop. You can drag the file onto the box or click it and browse for the file. Keystore files have the...
Delete the setup registry key, which was set when you installed VS for the first time: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup Please also help ...
11) Share the VS2005 folder on the network and set the appropriate security settings. The path to Visual Studio 2005 setup from the network looks like \\[servername]\VS2005\VS\setup.exe NoteSetup will fail if any path and file name combination exceeds 260 characters. The maximum length of...
If you are in a situation where the VS 2017 redistributable is installed, but the application that you are installing doesn't detect this and is refusing to install, then you should look for the Visual Studio 2017 redistributables and uninstal...
set up Ironpython environment in Visual Studio 2017 Setup And Deployment, User Interface Dialog Boxes Setup Engine: This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object. Setup packages when installing VS2015 Pro update 3 on Win7SP1 ...