在 vue-cli 3.0 的脚手架出来以后,官方我们提供了一套 Vue 的 TypeScript 模板,解决了许多模块以及类型问题,官方的东西真香,因此可以使用 TypeScript 搞一波事情。Vue
config/setup for macOS/Linux/Windows: zsh, vim, tmux, vscode; old: Arch, awesome Topics macos dotfiles zsh vimrc zshrc neovim vscode hammerspoon-configuration vscode-settings tmux-conf neovim-configuration setup-script setup-development-environment Resources Readme Activity Stars 5 stars Watche...
props 和 emits 也可以使用 TypeScript 语法来声明,方法是向 defineProps 或 defineEmits 传递一个字面类型参数。 constprops=defineProps<{foo:stringbar?:number}>()constemit=defineEmits<{(e:'change',id:number):void(e:'update',value:string):void}>() ...
$ git clone https://github.com/idleberg/vscode-innosetup innosetup Before you can build, make sureISCCis in your PATHenvironmental variable. Alternatively, you can specify the path toISCCin youruser settings. Example: Note: If you're on non-Windows, you could specify the path to thisbash ...
还是一样的套路启动一个debug终端。这里以vscode举例,打开终端然后点击终端中的+号旁边的下拉箭头,在下拉中点击Javascript Debug Terminal就可以启动一个debug终端。 然后在node_modules中找到vue/compiler-sfc包的compileScript函数打上断点,compileScript函数位置在/node_modules/@vue/compiler-sfc/dist/compiler-sfc.cjs...
与@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars规则不兼容,此规则含义为定义了,未进行使用。该规则其实影响不大,关闭即可。 与导入的类型声明不兼容,当你通过解构的方式去导入类型,setup sugar 会进行自动导出。这时候,你就会收到 TS 的一条报错:此为类型,但被当作值使用。解决办法:类型导...
To activate script compilation in VS Code, you need to perform the following workflow: In the Creator Editor main menu, executeDeveloper -> VS Code Workflow -> Add Compile Task. This operation will add thetasks.jsontask configuration file in the.vscodefolder of the project. ...
TypeScript ESLint documentation Now, you're all set! In your terminal, you can run npx eslint . to lint your project. If there are issues, they'll be displayed in your console. ESLint error messages in the console ESLint can even automatically fix certain types of errors. Add the -...
vue3-h5-tmp 基于 Vue3.x setup + TypeScript + Vite + Pinia + Vant3 + sass + tailwindcss + Rem 布局适配 + axios(封装)等流行技术栈构建移动端模板脚手架,开箱即用。