cd XXXX\stable-diffusion-webui 2. 激活webui的python环境,继续在命令行里输入并回车: venv\Scripts\activate.bat 3. 安装 bitsandbytes-windows,继续在命令行里输入并回车: pip install bitsandbytes-windows *安装时有可能出现连接失败,解决方法是全局范强后安装;或者使用国内python镜像源去安装,复制下方命令粘贴...
玩一种很新的东西 知识 野生技能协会 黑客 视频教程 Windows权限提升 小飞侠 信息安全 零基础入门 渗透测试 安全攻防 哔哩哔哩新春季小飞侠Geek 发消息 扫地僧 AI直接 随意生成表情包 在线stable diffusion Liblib AI 安全攻防零基础入门 (158/257) 自动连播 4.8万播放 简介 订阅合集 小飞侠-安全攻防零基础入门...
Stable Diffusion WebUI Docker Run Stable Diffusion on your machine with a nice UI without any hassle! Setup & Usage & FAQ Setup Usage FAQ docker compose --profile download up --build docker compose --profile auto up --build docker compose --profile comfy up --build Features This repositor...
Run Stable Diffusion on your machine with a nice UI without any hassle! Setup & Usage Visit the wiki for Setup and Usage instructions, checkout the FAQ page if you face any problems, or create a new issue! Features This repository provides multiple UIs for you to play around with stable ...
from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup( name='stable-diffusion', version='0.0.1', description='', packages=find_packages(), install_requires=[ 'torch', 'numpy', 'tqdm', ], ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Reason for wanting to install CUDA is that I want to learn to use Stable Diffusion to train or fine-tune a model with my own photos and one of the prerequisites - from what I understand so far - is CUDA. Would the Visual Studio integration not be needed ?roy...
I ended up finding a fantastic resource and was able to deploy gpu accelerated ML workloads via Docker on my Jetson Orin Nano using Dusty-nv has several Jetson compatible containers available. My ...
Hi, I’ve heard it is possible to run Stable-Diffusion on Mac Silicon (albeit slowly), would be good to include basic setup and instructions to do this. Thanks, Chris