In addition to mobile apps, I can also monitor Transmission, SABnzbd, qBittorrent, Sonarr, and Radarr activity through Home Assistant and do some simple automation. Monitoring Downloads And Media Aggregation Using Home Assistant Example automation include: Turn on Transmission alternate speeds when the...
SABnzbd+ - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update and Backup / Restore SickGear - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update and Backup / Restore SickRage - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update and Backup / Restore Sonarr - Install, Uninstall, Update and Backup / Restore Subsonic - ...
SABnzbd: Usenet downloader tool Prowlarr: Prowlarr is an indexer manager/proxy built on the popular arr .net/reactjs base stack to integrate with your various PVR apps Deluge: Torrent downloader tool Requestrr: Requestrr is a chatbot used to simplify using services like Sonarr/Radarr/Overseerr...
SABnzbd+ - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update and Backup / Restore SickGear - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update and Backup / Restore SickRage - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update and Backup / Restore Sonarr - Install, Uninstall, Update and Backup / Restore ...