安裝項目(Setup Project)默認情況下是x86平台的,不支持直接更改為x64。不過,有一種方法是手動編輯項目文件,嘗試強制設置平台。 關閉Visual Studio:確保Visual Studio關閉。 編輯.vdproj文件:使用文本編輯器(如Visual Studio Code或Notepad++)打開 NouchiKenriAccess_MS_Setup.vdproj 文件。 添加/修改目標平台:找到 Produc...
Visual Studio: A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices. Setup: The procedures involved in preparing a software program or application to operate within a computer or
how to run visual C++ in visual studio I have been writing "Visual Basic" Window Forms projects using a Visual Basic Template, but I would like to try a Visual C++ Window Forms Project. But I do not find '"Visual C++" Template as an option in Visual Studio Community 2022.… ...
WARNING: Unable to find dependency 'MICROSOFT.VISUALSTUDIO.SHELL.DESIGN' (Signature='B03F5F7F11D50A3A' Version='') of assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.Design.dll' Pre-build validation for project 'SetupTP' completed 2> Rebuild All started: Project: SetupTP, Configuration: Debug Building ...
1.无法读取64位注册表 2.双击快捷方式运行程序时重复运行安装操作 解决方法: 使用orca修改msi文件。 后期修改msi文件总感觉费事, 于是采用了搜索文件的方式或者搜索HKCU内32位注册表的内容替换了之前搜索HKLM中74位注册表条目的操作。 对于快捷方式的修复, 在后续的搜索
然而Visual Studio自带的Prerequisite十分有限,这就需要我们自定义Prerequisite。 首先,在C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages目录下我们可以看到有很多文件夹,这些文件夹对应了VS2010 Setup Project可用的Prerequisite。我们可以打开任何一个VS Setup Project的Properties窗口,单击Prerequisite...
Workarounds for Visual Studio 2022 on unsupported operating systems Windows Program Compatibility mode is on Windows Installer may display inaccurate progress Offline install Servicing updates and service packs Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Language or Compilers Project/Build System Team Ex...
Workarounds for Visual Studio 2022 on unsupported operating systems Windows Program Compatibility mode is on Windows Installer may display inaccurate progress Offline install Servicing updates and service packs Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Language or Compilers Project/Build System Tea...
05 04 03 [重要通知]SQL Server 2000 將於 2013 年 4 月 19 日終止服務與支援 在VS 2012 開發 SQL Server Business Intelligence 專案 如何快速做出一個與雲端行動服務整合的 App Visual Studio Setup Project - 如何在安裝程式時, 同時部署 DLL 到 GAC 一點通–2013 二月號 02 01 2012 2009 2008 2007Lear...
Workarounds for Visual Studio 2022 on unsupported operating systems Windows Program Compatibility mode is on Windows Installer may display inaccurate progress Offline install Other Servicing updates and service packs Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Language or Compilers Project/Build Sys...