Setting up a NFS mount on Ubuntu or Linux Mint can be quite a tedious task.EnterSimple NFS GUI. This is a GUI tool to easily set up a machine as a NFS server or client that should work on Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Debian. Simple NFS GUI takes care of the whole NFS share configuration...
nfs-server-modules-debug.tar.bz2(打开内核调试) nfs-server-modules-nodebug.tar.bz2(关闭内核调试) 二、打开uClibc对RPC的支持 NFS的通讯协议是基于ONC RPC(一种远程过程调用协议)的。nfs-utils工具调用了C函数库的RPC函数,因此要求uClibc必需提供这些函数。原厂固件中的uClibc关闭了RPC支持,我们只能用自己编译的...
Install NFS Server package on Ubuntu; apt install nfs-kernel-server Define NFS Server Domain for ID Mapping Next, optionally update the NFS domain in the/etc/idmapd.confconfiguration file. The/etc/idmapd.conffile is used to configure the NFS idmapd daemon, which is responsible for mapping user...
Install NFS Server on Debian/Ubuntu mount /var/nfs/general add to /etc/exports: /var/nfs/general *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) Restart nfs-kernel-server Configure Security Deny access to NFS ports from all IP addresses Allow access to NFS from list of servers in the cluste...
安装必须的软件包 如果是rmp linux: yum install gcc yum intall gcc-c++ yum install make yum install cmake yum...install openssl-devel yum install ncurses-devel 如果是Debian linux: sudo apt-get install gcc sudo apt-get...用hduser登录到master机器: 6.1 安装ssh For example on Ubuntu Linux: $...
Demo setup of nfs client/server with an nfs cache (FS-Cache/cachefilesd) in between. Client and server sites in different VPCs/different regions, connected via wireguard VPN. Topics linux aws ansible ubuntu terraform gcp nfs wireguard fs-cache cachefilesd Resources Readme License MIT license ...
using the following command: sudo apt-get install xinetd tftpd nfs-kernel-server minicom build-essential libncurses5-dev uboot-mkimage autoconf automake Note! This command requires you to have administrator priviliges (sudo access) on your host. ...
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