I use Neovim for a text editor on my PC, so I wrote this documentation so I could expand it more Feature Lazy Vim for packet manager Lua language How To Use Clone this repository (In Linux: ~/.config) git clone https://github.com/saul-paulus/neovim-with-lazy-vim.git ~/.config/n...
Neovim - editor - .vimrc .tmux.conf - mostly for ssh, iTerm on macOS Click to show extracted vim plugins https://github.com/tpope/vim-sensible - Defaults everyone can agree on https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive - provides :G (:Git), :GMove, :GBrowse etc. https://github.com/...
Just like other fields it can be exact value, or can be a function where we can e.g. get input from ui and then use as a value for env variable: ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT = "Development" or ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT = function() return vim.fn.input("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT: ", "Development...
One of my favorite things about Rust is the stellar tooling, and it’s led to a Vim setup I’m pretty happy with. A lot of this is similar to mysetup for Scalathe notable additions areNeomakeandRacer. My flavor of Vim is Neovim and my fullinit.vim + dotfiles are over on Github. ...
One day, I wanted to add a proper setup for Vue, and nothing could stop me. I also must admit I switched to Neovim in the meantime, but I’ll write about that in another post. There are a bunch of advice and setups on the web, but I could never find the one I could follow ...
Neovim Gain experience using Ansible & Bash to scaffold your dev environment Automate new project setup Learn advanced window navigation Use JQ and other Unix tools Is This Workshop for Me? The purpose of this course is to set the foundation for how to approach creating a highly tuned environme...
Prettier extension forcoc.nvimwhich requires neovim or vim8.1. Install coc.nvim with your favorite plugin manager, such asvim-plug: Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'do': { -> coc#util#install()}} And install coc-prettier by command: ...
NeoVim setup is possible throughlspand either manually installing clangd or using an installation manager like Mason. Then, one needs to edit the config (documentation). One typically has aglobaland aper-projectconfig. Global Config Here is one example for a global config. On linux this is usual...
nvim-bufferline.lua: Yes, with lua and neovim only Tools: Toggleterm, scrollview Move and Edit: easymotion -> hop&lightspeed, vim-multi-cursor, navigator.lua (better treesitter folding), Sad for complex find and replace Install Note: I tested it on Mac and linux, not sure about window...
vi: decide on vi/nvim Note; javascript projects can get CoC support by adding a jsconfig.json file as per https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/jsconfig then :CocInstall coc-tsserver Note; golang projects can get CoC support by adding :CocInstall coc-go update all to neovimAbout...