Current Logic Analyzer Signals Lists the currently defined Logic Analyzer signals. Select a signal with the mouse to modify the attributes. Add a variable or VTREG for signal recording with New (Insert key). Remove the highlighted signal with Delete (Del
The following techniques can help you preserve timing in designs that include the Signal Tap logic analyzer: -Avoid adding critical path signals to the .stp file. -Minimize the number of combinational signals you add to the .stp file, and add registers whenever possible. -S...
Bit Signals The Display TypeBitreduces a value to false (= 0) or true (= 1) and is typically used for a single digital I/O pin but may be applied also to variables. ("CC1..." underLogic Analyzeris configured with Display TypeBit). For efficient entry the Setup dialog converts inpu...
The PLU is composed of 3 main elements: Look Up Tables (LUTs), Multiplexers and Flip Flops. Look Up Tables are used to create the actual logic of the PLU’s network, while multiplexers route these logic signals to and from other LUTs, as well as the PLU’s input and output pins. Fli...
There are many registers clocked by HDMI_TX_CLK with signals that feed registers with the same clock such as pipes. I have tried leaving blank or with " * " with only a HDMI_TX_CLK in the To and From fields. I always get "Nothing to report". Translate 0 Kudos Copy ...
Automatically links one or more of the following group properties between the Data and Setup tabs in the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer. Bus bit order— Allows you to view data from MSB to LSB, or LSB to MSB. Bus member order— Allows you to modify the order of bus signals. Bus display ...
Trigger and clock synchronization signals are available through SMA connectors that simplify the connection to standard test equipment Arduino-style headers allow the user to develop embedded code with boards like the SDP-K1 Power jack accepts various input voltages from ac/dc power adapters that can...
I am using USB Logic analyzer tool to capture the output signals. I will continue check your comments next week. Thank you for the patience. best regards, Mike 0 Kudos Reply 08-23-2018 10:42 AM 3,474 Views aberger Contributor V I think I've found (in principle) a...
A Parallel BERT or a logic analyzer can be used to provide and monitor signals to and from the transceiver pairs. The BERT would need to configure the TX_ER and TX_EN signals for data transmission before any data is sent. On the receive side the RX_ER and RX_DV can monitor the ...
I would believe this to be correct - if the signals are not related to any clock then constraining them in this way would appear to be meaningless. Have a look at some of the Quartus options: compilation for speed or area automatically add logic / registers - may help increase the ...