service/kubernetes-dashboard ClusterIP 4m20s root@master:~/dashboard# k -n kubernetes-dashboard edit deploy kubernetes-dashboard ... containers: - args: - --auto-generate-certificates - --namespace=kubernetes-dashboard image: kubernetesui/dashboard:v2.1.0 imagePullPolicy: ...
Kubernetes 集群管理节点(etcd和controlplane)必须运行在 Linux 节点上。 部署工作负载的worker节点通常是 Windows 节点,但必须至少有一个worker节点运行在 Linux 上,才能按顺序运行 Rancher Cluster Agent、DNS、Metrics Server 和 Ingress 相关容器。 推荐架构 我们推荐下表中列出的三节点架构,但你始终可以添加额外...
Kubernetes安全专家认证 (CKS)考试动员 云原生圣经 1. 介绍 2. Practice: Access Node Metadata 参考链接: curl""-H"Metadata-Flavor: Google" curl"http:/...
On Rancher server host, installed kubectl and helm. Then installed Prometheus by Helm: helm install stable/prometheus Now check the status from Kubernetes dashboard, there are 2 pods pending: It noticed PersistentVolumeClaim is not bound, so aren't the K8S components been ...
也就是说,要利用所有 Web UI 功能,您需要一个具有管理(超级用户)权限的服务帐户,即具有cluster -admin集群角色的服务帐户。 使用您喜欢的文本编辑器,创建一个admin-user.yml文件: ---apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata:name: admin-usernamespace: kubernetes-dashboard---apiVersion: rbac.authorization...
The Dapr CLI allows you to setup Dapr on your local dev machine or on a Kubernetes cluster, provides debugging support, launches and manages Dapr instances.展开收起 暂无标签 Go等 4 种语言 Apache-2.0 保存更改 取消 发行版 暂无发行版
Docker is still used for Kubernetes cluster workloads and network plugins' related OS services. Also note, only one of the supported network plugins can be deployed for a given single cluster. Requirements Ansible v2.4 (or newer) and python-netaddr is installed on the machine that will run ...
Docker is still used for Kubernetes cluster workloads and network plugins' related OS services. Also note, only one of the supported network plugins can be deployed for a given single cluster. Requirements Ansible v2.6 (or newer) and python-netaddr is installed on the machine that will run ...
Step 8) Test Highly available Kubernetes cluster Step 1) Set Hostname and add entries in /etc/hosts file Runhostnamectlcommand to set hostname on each node, example is shown for k8s-master-1 node, $ hostnamectl set-hostname "k8s-master-1" ...
Kubernetes Configuration Lab Services Language Understanding Load Testing Log Analytics Logic Apps Machine Learning Maintenance Managed Network Fabric Managed Service Identity Maps MariaDB Marketplace Ordering Media Services Metrics Advisor Mixed Reality Mobile Network Mongo Cluster Monitor MySQL NetApp Files Netw...