KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME: KAFKA_ADVERTISED_PORT: 9092 docker-compose -f docker-compose-single-broker.yml up docker run --name zookeeper -p 2181:2181 -t wurstmeister/zookeeper docker run --name kafaka -e HOST_IP=localhost -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 -e KAFKA_BROKER_ID=1 -...
Kafka in Docker This repository provides everything you need to run Kafka in Docker. Why? The main hurdle of running Kafka in Docker is that it depends on Zookeeper. Compared to other Kafka docker images, this one runs both Zookeeper and Kafka in the same container. This means: No dependen...
This is my docker-compose file: version: '2' services: kafka-ui: container_name: kafka-ui image: provectuslabs/kafka-ui ports: - 8080:8080 restart: always environment: KAFKA_CLUSTERS_0_NAME: EF_CONNECTION KAFKA_CLUSTERS_0_BOOTSTRAPSERVERS: XXXX:9093 (not local environment) KAFKA_CLUSTERS_0...
You probably want to use more advanced tools like Nifi for data ingestion and processing, Kafka for data streaming and a SQL or NonSQL database to store some tables in between. Can we still use Docker for all of that? The answer: Yes of course — Docker compose up is here to manage ...
Welcome to the chapter on Kafka Installation and Setup. While most of this book is about using and understanding Kafka, it's also important to know how to install and configure this powerful streaming platform is the first and crucial step. In this chapter, we will explore the various prerequ...
# you want your values in this file to be effective! # The email address to send on behalf of mail.from: 'noreply@aawwee.cn' 3.3.2. 数据备份与恢复 通过docker-compose启动了30个container,配置数据散落在不同的数据卷。官方建议两种数据备份方式: ...
Goal To have a tile in my On-Premise Fiori Launchpad, upon clicking it, it should open an SCP deployed CAP UI5 application, without asking for further authentication
python开发者们习惯使用pip来安装一些第三方模块,这个安装过程之所以简单,是因为模块开发者写好了模块的setup.py,而这个文件负责的过程就是打包。 打包,就是将你的源代码进一步封装,并且将所有的项目部署工作都事先安排好,这样使用者拿到后安装即可用,不用再操心如何部署的问题。
In Eclipse, choose in the menu bar Help > Install New Software... In the Install dialog, enter the following update site URL in the Work with entry field: https://tools.hana.ondemand.com/kepler for Eclipse Kepler (4.3) https://tools.hana.ondemand.com/juno for Eclipse Juno (4.2) Pres...
Check and verify your newdocker0bridge ip with: ifconfig For more information, refer to theUse bridge networkssection in the docker documentation. Install NVIDIA Container Toolkit Setup the repository and the GPG key: distribution=$(./etc/os-release;echo$ID$VERSION_ID)\&&curl-fsSLhttps://...