前言: VS2010中有一个自带的安装部署项目,叫:Visual Studio Installer ,我们通常称为:setup项目,是一个用于自定义安装部署的项目方案。但是在VS2017,VS2019中均不见了,安装程序组件中也没有,通过强大的谷歌和百度,发现有一个扩展方案,在VS市场里有一个可用的VS扩展,一般还很难找: 先把下载地址粘贴给各位: VS2...
step1:安装VS2019项目打包插件installer Projects VS2019默认不包含整个插件,需要先安装VS2019的官方认可打包插件(Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects),如果已安装,请跳过该步骤,通过添加添加扩展插件的方式进行添加(菜单栏:Extensions->Manage Extensios) 在online板块,搜索installer Projects,找到Microsoft Visual Stu...
VS2010中有一个自带的安装部署项目,叫:Visual Studio Installer,我们通常称为Setup项目,是一个自定义安装部署的项目方案。但是VS2017、VS2019中,这个组件不见了,取而代之的是InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio,这里将放在另外以便博文研究(地址)。 扩展组件地址:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/it...
Can't install Visual Studio 2019 community!! Can't install Visual Studio Professional 2010 because of Microsoft Application Error Reporting tool Can't launch or repair VS 2017 Can't launch Visual Studio Installer ! can't uninstall / fix of Visual C++ 2017 and 2015 Can't uninstall Visual Studi...
VS2019 打包setup 1.右键【解决方案】->【添加】->【新建项目】,查找选择Setup.Project。 *我的没有这个选项,所以需要下载插件。 下载地址: Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects - Visual Studio Marketplacemarketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=VisualStudioClient.MicrosoftVisualStudio2017Installer...
MicrosoftVisualStudio2003类库part3 CHM版 上传者:honeybee1981时间:2009-02-04 InstallerProjects.vsix Visual Studio Installer ,我们通常称为:setup项目,是一个用于自定义安装部署的项目方案。但是在VS2017,VS2019中均不见了,安装程序组件中也没有,通过强大的谷歌和百度,发现有一个扩展方案,在VS市场里有一个可用的...
I have had visual studio 2019 since december up to february but a week ago something went wrong so i decided to reinstall everything from scratch, now that I have the VisualStudioSetup.exe it doesn't do anything, it looks like it's downloading files and
Visual Studio: A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices. Setup: The procedures involved in preparing a software program or application to operate within a computer or
“preparing to install visual studio installer” it then after 30 seconds closes abruptly. I’ve tried to remedy the issue with install clean up, trying to install from a c drive and deleting the whole installer folder and trying to install it again to no success. I’ve al...
Solution: uninstalling the visual studio installer and deleting C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio and then retry. Thank you for your feedback. From looking at your logs, Package ‘Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.WMIProvider,version=3.7.2182.35401’ failed to install. Error writing to f...