Hey. Just started learning Kubernetes with a starter cluster with 1 vCPUs (12$/m option). I’m trying to get my own project running on the k8s cluster with this guide: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-nginx-ingress-on-digitalocean-kubernetes-using-helm Th...
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: my-ingress-nginx annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx" nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/add-base-url: "true" nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: / spec: rules: - host: some.kind.of.hostname.co http: &rules paths:...
2.1 创建ingress-nginx入口 kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v0.40.2/deploy/static/provider/baremetal/deploy.yaml 嗯!镜像库被墙了,国外服务器下载了然后修改了标签上传到了自己的harbor仓库,然后直接修改deployment中image的标签。当然了我在work节点直接docke...
to get Kubernetes running is to installRancher Desktop. Once you have it installed, you will also need to setup an ingress controller. Rancher usesTraefikas the default one, so disable it first by uncheckingEnable Traefikfrom theKubernetes Settingspage. Then deploy the NGINX ingress controller: ...
helm install my-akamai-release akamai/akamai-ingress ``` ### 步骤 3: 配置 Akamai Ingress Controller 在配置 Akamai Ingress Controller 时,你需要将 Akamai CDN 的认证信息配置到 Kubernetes 的 Secret 中。 ```bash # 创建存储 Akamai 认证信息的 Secret kubectl...
In this blog post I rely on NginX ingress controller since it is one of the most mature/used ways to accept incoming traffic into your Kubernetes cluster. This can also be replaced with Cilium’s Ingress controller or Gateway API. These I will probably address in a later blog post. ...
负载均衡器应该把 TCP/80 端口和 TCP/443 端口的流量转发到 Kubernetes 集群的全部 3 个节点上。 Ingress Controller 会把 HTTP 重定向到 HTTPS,在 TCP/443 端口终结 SSL/TLS。 Ingress Controller 会把流量转发到 Rancher deployment 的 Pod 上的 TCP/80 端口。使用4 层负载均衡器在 Kubernetes 集群中安装 Ra...
Install HAProxy ingress controller kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haproxytech/kubernetes-ingress/master/deploy/haproxy-ingress.yaml Prepare the namespace in the Kubernetes cluster with this command kubectl create namespace collabora ...
In a mutual TLS connection, both the server side and the client side must authenticate with a certificate: • The cluster ingress controller (server side) authenticates with an X.509 server certificate, which you provide using a Kubernetes secret. The name of this secret is provided as a ...
ingress: provider:nginx options: use-forwarded-headers:"true" kubernetes_version:v1.25.6-rancher4-1 通用RKE 节点选项 选项必填描述 address是公共 DNS 或 IP 地址 user是可以运行 docker 命令的用户 role是分配给节点的 Kubernetes 角色列表 internal_address否内部集群流量的私有 DNS 或 IP 地址 ...