We should add a basic ESLint configuration (it can be based on https://github.com/nodejs/nodejs.org/blob/main/.eslintrc.json), except that it should only contain the rules for vanilla JavaScript (ESM) and nothing else (like Jest o React or TypeScript, etc...) Same for Prettier, ...
eslint prettier and typescript full setup. Contribute to fs-projects/eslint-prettier-typescript development by creating an account on GitHub.
Install Volar for Vim and Neovim And as a bonus, how to set up Prettier and ESLint to auto-format your code I’m pretty pleased with what we’ve done. In one of the next posts, I will show you how to achieve a similar thing but using Neovim and something that is not coc.nvim....
vue3-h5-tmp 基于 Vue3.x setup + TypeScript + Vite + Pinia + Vant3 + sass + tailwindcss + Rem 布局适配 + axios(封装)+ Eslint + Prettier + dayjs 等流行技术栈构建移动端模板脚手架,开箱即用。 技术规范 环境要求 node >14 pnpm >=7 ...
3、配置eslint、prettier、编辑器 首先安装相关依赖,如下: npm i prettier eslint eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-vue vue-eslint-parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser -D 项目根目录新建.eslintrc.json,内容如下: ...
How would you like to use ESLint?- Select the second option: "To check syntax and find problems". ESLint can also enforce a coding style but for that, I recommend usingPrettierinstead. What type of modules does your project use?- Choose the option that matches your project: ES Modules ...
Start the base configuration for formatting tests, code rules and TypeScript. Latest version: 1.0.30, last published: 15 days ago. Start using jav-blast-setup in your project by running `npm i jav-blast-setup`. There are no other projects in the npm regi
🚀 Vite + Vue3 + TypeScript 开发 📱 支持 H5 和 PC 端适配 🔐 完整的登录权限控制(支持手机验证码和二维码登录) 📦 Pinia 状态管理(Token 和用户信息分离设计) 🎨 Element Plus 和 Vant UI 组件库 🔄 Axios 请求封装(统一错误处理) 🎯 TypeScript 类型安全 📝 ESLint + Prettier 代码规范 ...
So again, we live in a terrible time for a lot of reasons, but one of them is we are currently in this world straddled between common JS and ES modules. I know that Bundler is a new algorithm that came with TypeScript 5, right? My project doesn't use it because it would start be...
jest-runner-eslint jest-runner-mocha jest-runner-tsc jest-runner-prettier Note:The jest-runner- prefix of the package name can be omitted by the runner property. If you want to write a test-runner, you should export a class which accepts globalConfig in the constructor, and that has a ...