ftp server or web servers to DNS server configuration files by creating the appropriate records as per requirement. Also we have only setup a local DNS server in this tutorial, if you need to setup a public DNS than you will require a Public IP address for the same. ...
The configuration is based on order; if files is before dns it means the system will query the/etc/hostsfile before checking DNS for name service requests. But if DNS is before files then the domain lookup process will consult DNS first before any other appropriate services or files. In thi...
In this tutorial i am going to setup local Primary and secondary DNS servers. I am using two systems running withopenSUSE 13.1for primary and secondary DNS servers and one system running withUbuntu 13.04 Desktopfor Client. Primary DNS server details: Operating System:openSUSE 13.1Hostname:master.u...
Seeing all these advantages, we can conclude that setting up network bonding is worth the trouble, which is why you’re here. If you stumbled across this article wondering how to set up network bonding in Ubuntu, you came to the right place! With the help of this guide, you’ll be com...
It appears to be very similar to #101 in that the DNS entry in the Admin console simply doesn't appear in the Linux configuration as far as I can tell. I've tested this with the latest Tailscale version (v0.97-45-g02c73501) and Ubuntu 18.04.3. Once Tailscale is up & authenticated,...
case $VPN_SKIP_IKEV2 in [yY][eE][sS]) skip_ikev2=1 ;; esac if [ "$skip_ikev2" = 0 ]; then sleep 1 VPN_DNS_NAME="$VPN_DNS_NAME" VPN_PUBLIC_IP="$public_ip" \ VPN_CLIENT_NAME="$VPN_CLIENT_NAME" VPN_XAUTH_POOL="$VPN_XAUTH_POOL" \ ...
DNS servers for VPN users (default:,, --- Configuration: general server settings --- Timezone (default: Europe/London): Email address for sysadmin (e.g. j.bloggs@example.com): me@my-domain.tld Desired SSH log-in port (default: 22): ...
To install on Linux (e.g ubuntu, Raspberry Pi) use: sudo aptinstall dnsmasq. Configuring DNSMasq Like almost all Linux applications configuration is via a text file/etc/dnsmasq.conf The way it is configured is that all Local DNS requests are handled directly by the DNSMasq server, and others...
DHCP server is used to assign IP address to client computers and other Network devices . Basically we need Ipaddress, Subnet mask, Gateway and DNS for
[Interface] PrivateKey = YOUR_CLIENTS_PRIVATE_KEY Address = DNS =, [Peer] PublicKey = YOUR_SERVERS_PUBLIC_KEY AllowedIPs = Endpoint = YOUR_SERVERS_WAN_IP:51820 It should looke something like this. ...