tearDownAll在所有case结束后运行一次 setUp在每个case启动前运行一次 tearDown在每个case结束后运行一次 packagemainimport("log""os""testing")funcTestMain(m*testing.M){tearDownAll:=setUpAll()code:=m.Run()tearDownAll()// you cannot use defer tearDownAll()os.Exit(code)}funcsetUpAll()func(){log...
And for teardown/cleanup: make clean-kind Convert RBAC policies There's an RBAC converter that works on ClusterRoleBindings or RoleBindings. You can convert all CRBs/RBs by specifing a type with no names, or a comma-separated list of names after the type. You can add --output=crd to ...
"-config", ca_config,"-key", ca_key,"-out", ca_cert])# Create mysql server certificate, remove passphrase, and sign itserver_key = cert_dir +"/server-key.pem"server_cert = cert_dir +"/server-cert.pem"server_req = cert_dir +"/server-req.pem"server_config = cert_dir +"/serv...
#kdev Rapid K8sGPT development environment. This is a tool that will setup and teardown the components and resources you need. Prerequisites Golang Git SSH Key @ $HOME/.ssh/ that is setup with GitHub KIND or Kubernetes cluster available to use with admin accessAbout...