4. Open engine.ini with a text editor (for example Notepad.exe). 5a) If the line "meshCache = 1" exists: Change the line "meshCache = 1" to "meshCache = 0" 5b) If the line "meshCache = 1" does not exist: Add the line "meshCache = 0" Thank you for your help. ...
And I have a map editor: ..\The Settlers II - 10th Anniversary\bin\S2DNGEditor.exe I found it installed in the Settlers 7 folder. The game also saves the maps to this folder. Pages: 1 This is my favourite topic Community General discussionSettlers II Anniversary Editor(4 posts)(4 ...
http://broadcast4reps.com/ Carter M, Gibbs M, Harrop M (2012) Metagames, paragames and orthogames: a new vocabulary. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1145/2282338.2282346 CCP (ed) (2020) More than just a game: the link between EVE Online and the real world. https://...
All in all, theyörüks of Thessaly enjoyed reduced taxation, which is mirrored in their average tax per family of 42.6aḳçes, as opposed to the 67.5aḳçes of the sedentary Muslims and the 66.4aḳçes of the Greeks. The rates are evened out when one deducts the personal...
The person also can choose to make a 4:1 trade, giving up four identical resource cards for one resource card of choice from the deck. Having a settlement or city adjacent to a harbor hex ocean tile allows players to make a 2:1 trade. Step 3: Finally, the player enters the building...
I specifically ignored the quest given to me and used a planetary map to find a settlement on my own home planet to manage, because my planet is perfect. There are no angry sentinels, there's no bad weather, there are no hostile creatures. It's literally described as a paradise planet....