6) wall crack 墙体裂缝 1. Cause and control of aerated concrete block wall crack; 加气混凝土砌块墙体裂缝成因及防治 2. The causes of air-entrained concrete wall crack and its control measures; 加气混凝土墙体裂缝的原因及其控制措施 3. The application of wall crack treatment technique in ...
Analysis of Causes on Settlement and Crack of the Dam Body of Zhangze Reservoir; 漳泽水库坝体沉陷与裂缝的产生及原因分析 3. Numerical analysis of buried pipelines subjected to thesettlement; 沉陷区域埋地管线数值模拟分析 更多例句>> 6) sink[英][sɪŋk] [美][sɪŋk] ...
Method for eliminating settlement crack at joint of ground and building outer wall本发明涉及一种建筑物外墙技术,进一步涉及一种消除地面与建筑物外墙交接处沉降裂缝的方法. The present invention relates to a building wall technique, further relates to a method for ground and building facades junction ...
then very little settlement would be expected for that part of the building on cut. But the fill portion could settle under its own weight and cause damage. For example,a slab crack will typically open at the location of the cut-fill transition as illustrated in Figure 12. 5....
I noticed a few years ago a crack in the north west corner and it hasn't gotten worse since the year 2000. There is a really old building next to us that has no concrete foundation and their roof is 1 ft lower on the side where it meets our building. The roof isn't leaking ...
The third part of the Devastated Settlement puzzle poses a catch-22. Theorbyou need powers a door to the room containing said orb. Removing the orb closes the door, locking it in there. You can leave by shimmying through a crack in the wall, but you can’t bring the orb with you....
1.It analyzes the reasons generating multi storied brick wall crack from the aspects of brick wall material,construction,design,ambient temperature,non-uniform settlementof foundation,and brings forward corresponding prevention measures for settlement crack,thermoelectric crack,structural crack,which will incre...
7.A masonry crack can be produced by both the differential settlement of a foundation and a change in temperature.地基不均匀沉降、度的变化均能引起砌体开裂。 8.Primary Study on Mechanism of Earthquake-induced Differential Settlement of Buildings on Liquefiable Subsoil;液化地基上建筑物不均匀震陷机理...
The time to repair does not surpass three days.Because the seller constructs the quality and the construction creates the house incline, the wall surface crack, the subsidence, the collapse which the geological reason (mountain massif landslide, mud-rock flow, flood) cause, the continual 15 day...
It analyzes the cause of block structure crack in the wall, from foundation subsidence and temperature change. 从地基沉降、温度变化两方面分析了引起砌体结构中墙体裂缝的主要原因,介绍了各种裂缝的治理方法,以保证建筑物的美观,提高建筑结构的耐久性及安全性。 2. Uncertain factors of foundation subsidence ...