The reason why debt buyers often settle forless than what's owedon the debt is that they typically purchase debt for a fraction of the cost. "Thus, if a debt buyer purchased a $1,000 debt for $30-$50, then a consumer may have more options to settle for significantly ...
toreachadecisionor anagreementabout something, or to end adisagreement: 确定;决定;解决,结束(争端等) Good, that's all settled - yousendout theinvitationsfor theparty, and I'llorganizethefood.好,那就这么定了——你发聚会的请帖,我来准备吃的。
If you're behind on credit card payments, debt settlement could make sense, but so could paying off what you owe.
Is it bad to settle a debt for less? Dear JYS, Yes, settling a debt instead of paying the full amount can affect your credit scores. ... Settling anaccount instead of paying it in full is considered negativebecause the creditor agreed to take a loss in accepting less than what it was...
The author tackles the uncertainty of accessing quality education among children as well as the commitment of making education universal, which provides a means for governments to start to settle the social debt owed to populations worldwide. She stresses the eradication of extreme poverty while ...
7 pay money 付钱 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]PAY FOR to pay money that is owed 结清,结算 settle a bill/account/claim I always settle my account in full each month. 我总是每月都把我的账全部结清。 These insurance companies take forever to settle a claim. 这些保险公司要拖很久才支付索赔...
(CNC) is an account status option that states that a taxpayer’s gross monthly income is lower than their allowable expenses underNational Standards. If you qualify for this status, the IRS will delay the collection process until you can pay. However, your tax debt will still grow because ...
2[intransitive] if prices on a market settle, they stop rising or falling and stay at a particular level for a period of timeCrude oil futures prices settled lower in light trading.3[transitive] to pay money that is owedProceeds from the sale will be used to settle debt to other ...
Like many others, Midland generally is willing to negotiate a settlement for less than the full value of the debt. ... For you, the consumer, this means that
Spain remained certain that a political solution, based on negotiations that took the special circumstances of Gibraltarintoaccount,wouldsettletheissueonceandforall. 西班牙仍然肯定,在考 虑到直布罗陀特殊情况而进行的谈判基础上,政治解决方案可一劳永逸地解决问 题...