若要调整Windows 11中的电源和睡眠设置,请选择“启动>设置 >系统>电源 & 电池>屏幕、睡眠 & 休眠超时”。 在以下时间后关闭屏幕:选择你希望设备在你不使用设备时(当设备接通电源和电池电源时)在关闭屏幕之前等待的时间。 使设备进入睡眠状态后:选择在不使用设备时,希望设备在进入睡眠状态之前等待多长时间,无论是...
✅ Windows 10 Power and Sleep settings missing Sleep option for all power plans:This is a desktop PC running Windows 10 with the latest updates. In settings/ system/ power and sleep I do not get the option for Sleep in any of the...
AAA_SettingsGroupPowerAndSleepSleep.settingcontent-ms 檔案可能由於意外刪除而丟失,可能作為另一個程式的共用檔案(與 Windows 共用)而被卸載,還可能由於惡意軟體感染而被刪除。此外,AAA_SettingsGroupPowerAndSleepSleep.settingcontent-ms 檔案損壞可能是由於載入 Windows 時出現斷電,由於載入或保存 AAA_SettingsGroupPower...
Power and sleep settings aren’t typically top of mind when you’re working on your computer. However, they can have a major impact on the overall performance of your machine. If you learn how to adjust the Windows 10 power options and sleep settings, you’ll be able to set up your co...
Power and sleep settings aren’t typically top of mind when you’re working on your computer. However, they can have a major impact on the overall performance of your machine. If you learn how to adjust the Windows 10 power options and sleep settings, you’ll be able to set up your co...
To adjust power and sleep settings in Windows 11, selectStart>Settings>System>Power & battery>Screen, sleep, & hibernate timeouts. Turn my screen off after:Select how long you want your device to wait before turning the screen off when you're not using your device, both wh...
If you change the power and sleep settings on a laptop, you can adjust the settings when your device is plugged in and when the device is running on battery. Also, we are focusing this guide on the basic power settings. If you use a laptop or tablet, it is possible to adjust the ba...
✅ power and sleep settings:I have a Surface Pro 7. I have all four power settings set to 15 minutes. My screen still turns of after 1 minute. What am I missing? What else can I...
Windows 10 offers a variety of power options and sleep settings to help your computer save energy and manage performance. Here's what you need to know.
Screen and Sleep settings are set for one hour but my screen goes to sleep every minute which means I need to re-enter my password to wake it up. Very...