By default, if the API response has HTTP status 301 or 302 (meaning a redirect), AlertSite repeats the request to the URL specified in the response headerLocation. Selecting this option prevents the monitor from following redirects, and response statuses 301 and 302 will be considered errors. ...
Optional. Default value is false, meaning that when users select the sign-in button on an embedded view, the IdP’s sign-in form opens in a pop-up window. When you set it to true, and a server SAML user who is already signed in navigates to a web page with an embedded view, the...
Use this section to add the name and URL of the storage account.Bilješka Before you enable this feature, you must create an Azure storage account and a container in that storage account. You must also configure permissions for the account. As you set up your Azure storage account, keep ...
For example, to set always_poplate_raw_post_data to -1 to prevent deprecation notices in PHP 5.6 when accessing php://input, you would add an fpm_custom.conf file to your application with the following contents:php_value[always_populate_raw_post_data]=-1 ...
You can continue setting up the action using the other options from the pop-up, and click on “Save” when finished. Not yet purchased This section allows you to decide what happens if a user is logged in, but tries to access one of your courses that they do not have access to. ...
Single-disk branding. For computers that are currently running Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 or later, you can use the Customization Wizard to create a single floppy disk containing your custom text and logo information. Custom components and add-ons. You can add up to 16 custom components that yo...
What are the effects of ad blocking software? What is the pop-up and pop-under ad tag? What is the serving code or ad tag? What is WMODE for SWF ads? How can I change it? Where is the publisher-side file for iframe busting? Why doesn't the provided HTML serving code work?Cannot...
Time Format: Select the format that the time will appear on the display device (12 hour or 24 hour). Date: Select the date for the receiver using the pop-up calendar that is displayed.Control SystemSelect Control System to connect and configure a control system with the receiver. The recei...
A pop-up box will appear, informing you of the consequences of deleting your site. To proceed, type the text shown in the pop-up box and click theDeletebutton. (In the sample image below, "" should be typed into the box.) ...
Use this section to add the name and URL of the storage account.Note Before you enable this feature, you must create an Azure storage account and a container in that storage account. You must also configure permissions for the account. As you set up your Azure storage account, keep in ...