On pretty well every phone I’ve ever come across, the function to change languages is in PHONE SETUP. And PHONE SETUP is always in SETTINGS. And the SETTINGS icon on the main menu always looks like some wheel or cog which is basically as a metaphor for the inner workings of a product...
It turns out that, on some cellular carriers, this "Current Period" is tied to your actual cell phone billing cycle. On other carriers, the "Current Period" is an arbitrary length of time since you last reset your cellular statistics. ...
When you see an alert that says “Carrier Settings Update” on your iPhone, it means that Apple or your wireless carrier (Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, etc.) have released an update with new carrier settings that will help improve your iPhone’s ability to connect to your wireless carrier’s ...
VibrateOn Whether vibrate is on for different events. VibrateWhenRinging Whether the phone vibrates when it is ringing due to an incoming call. VolumeAlarm Alarm volume. VolumeBluetoothSco Bluetooth Headset volume. VolumeMusic Music/media/gaming volume. VolumeNotification Notification volume. VolumeRin...
carrier, you can still try other network carriers to decide which one best suit your needs. When it comes to phone service, switching things up and trying something new is primarily straightforward and easy. However, you may be required to figure out how an APN is defined or set on a ...
I’m trying to secure the vpn on my phone for myself. Currently, If I go under settings>general>vpn&devicemanagement>vpn, and then select the info button, I have the ability to toggle off the vpn using the “connect on demand” toggle or the delete vpn button - which defeats the ...
says “Update Apple ID Settings” because you have to sign into your Apple ID again to keep using certain account services. Updating Apple ID settings will allow you to keep using those services. Most of the time, this just means you have to reenter your Apple ID password on your iPhone!
There are reasons why a carrier might refuse to unlock a phone. The obvious one is if the phone was bought on time, or gotten for "free", with the cost of the phone folded into the monthly cost of the cellular plan. Cell phone companies aren't in the business of giving phones away...
US20060063563 * 2004年9月18日 2006年3月23日 Kaufman Richard D Cell phone system with automatic ringer/vibrate/silent/operating mode settings based on entering/exiting public areas and theatersUS20060063563 * Sep 18, 2004 Mar 23, 2006 Kaufman Richard D Cell phone system with automatic ringer/...
hanaonazure.fluent.models com.azure.resourcemanager.hdinsight.fluent com.azure.resourcemanager.hdinsight com.azure.resourcemanager.hdinsight.fluent.models com.azure.resourcemanager.hdinsight.models com.azure.resourcemanager.healthbot.fluent com.azure.resourcemanager.healthbot com.azure.resourcemanager.healthbot....