打印机的喷嘴温度通常应设置在220°C至250°C之间,这个范围内的温度有助于TPU材料的顺利熔融和流动。在打印过程中,Stratasys的3D打印机通常提供精确的温控系统,可以根据不同的TPU品牌和型号,进行细致的调整,以获得最佳的打印效果。 打印床温度 为了确保良好的附着力和防止翘曲,TPU材料的打印床温度应设置在40°C至60...
If fiber printing is enabled and the geometry of the part allows, then by default fiber is automatically added as a series of sandwich panels, each with a total of six fiber layers. Sandwich panels help ensure part strength while still maintaining an optimal strength-to-weight ratio. For manu...
A huge part of the job is done by Roboze: with the printing parameters provided, one can print almost any shape. For some very customized demands, the operator will need to furtherpersonalize the 3D printing profile to comply with specific needs. TheRoboze teamworks...
This helps especially for Nylon materials, and is required for printing with Nylon 12 CF. Often, the upper layers of a print will not use any support material, so purging is not required. This setting adjusts the height of the purge part. In model view, the purge part on the tray ...
Good morning. First of all I apologize for my bad English. I'm a beginner. My printer is an elegoo Neptune 3max. At the moment I use PLA from Elegoo but I would like to switch to PETG soon. Attached is the printing profile that I mainly use. I laboriousl
Two of the most commonly used highly flexible materials, namely TPU 30D and TPE 88, were selected for testing. The results of the work are intended to help the designers and technologists to calibrate the printing parameters for the printing of flexible materials for use in pneumatics or ...
Two of the most commonly used highly flexible materials, namely TPU 30D and TPE 88, were selected for testing. The results of the work are intended to help the designers and technologists to calibrate the printing parameters for the printing of flexible materials for use in pneuma...
In this article, we will comprehensively introduce the K1 and K1 Max printing parameter settings step-by-step to help users solve printing problems and create more perfect works.
Cooling and Overhang Settings for Prusa Slicer PL... Download:free Website:Cults add to list order this print TagsFree SET TRINITY GOLD PLA and TPU BLACK Download:free Website:Printables add to list order this print Cooling and Overhang Settings for Prusa Slicer PL... ...
Much like print speed, retraction settings are usually based on the material you are printing with. Stretchy materials like PETG and TPU require retraction speeds of between 30 and 80mm/s, along with retraction distances of 2 to 5mm. In contrast, PLA is good with a speed of 50mm and a ...