The next line of the example uses the New-CMTSNetworkAdapterSetting cmdlet to create the network adapter settings object. It uses the defined variables, and sets several other options.The final part of this example configures an existing Apply Network Settings step of a task sequence named Default...
Please try to run the following command line in Power Shell(replace test with your kids user account):cmd.exe /c "net user test /time:M-F,6pm-9pm;s-s,4pm-10pm"Bests,Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, ...
Reliable ways for setting environment variables in windows-docker-powershellTo prepend C:\bar to Machine/System PATH:RUN setx /m PATH \"C:\\bar;$([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine))\"...
Hi, I am working on downgrade scenario. I am trying to install notepad++7.8.4 and 7.8.8. I am trying to install 7.8.4 over 7.8.8. I am getting "latest...
Setting environment variables is a little different in Microsoft Windows. You can either set them via the Control Panel , or you can set them in the command prompt or PowerShell console. There are examples of the latter two below. Bash Copy Code # Set USER_ID in the Windows Command Pr...
This Python is used in the created environment every time when running the ESP-IDF shortcut. That is why the warning is there every time because the variable is set in this created environment. If you add the PYTHONNOUSERSITE variable to your System environment variables with the value corresp...
The short answer to this question is: yes! All you need to do is create your own NuGet Server and redefine a couple of PowerShellGet variables. Detailed instructions are below. Diversion: Why NuGet? You might be asking yourself: “Why does PowerShellGet work against NuGet Feeds?” When...
REM Print out the relevant environment variables to stdout SET | FINDSTR /R /X /C:"PATH=.*" /C:"INCLUDE=.*" /C:"LIB=.*" /C:"LIBPATH=.*" /C:"PLATFORM=.*" /C:"VS[0-9]*COMNTOOLS=.*" EXIT /B 0 The relevant fragment of associated cmake logic is ...
PowerShell Copy PS C:\> $spwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String Notag00pa55word -AsplainText –ForcePS C:\> Set-OBMachineSetting -ProxyServer -ProxyPort <your proxy port> -ProxyUsername contoso\johnj99 -ProxyPassword $spwd ...