Set up voicemail on your phone and ensure that you set your voicemail password so that it's different from the default password used to set up voicemail the first time. 2. From the main window, select .! Page | 3. Add a new Mail account: a. In the left column, select . b. ...
Note that centralized voice messaging is a function of the phone system and its inter-phone system networking, not voicemail. Unity Connection supports centralized voice messaging as long as the phone system and its inter-phone system networking are properly configured. For details...
Set up the PIMG units. Create the integration. See the Configuring Unity Connection for Integration with Rolm 9751 Phone System section. Test the integration. See the Testing the Integration chapter. If this integration is a second or subsequent integration, a...
not voicemail. Unity Connection will support centralized voice messaging as long as the phone system and its inter-phone system networking are properly configured.For details, see the “Centralized Voice Messaging” section in the“Integrating Cisco Unity Connection with...
If users do not have existing voicemail on a legacy voice messaging system, skip this section and continue with the next section. If users have existing voicemail on a legacy voice messaging system, do the following procedure. Have all users who are migrating ...