In this article, Blessing Krofegha introduces Tailwind CSS, a CSS library that gives you all of the building blocks you need to build bespoke designs without opinionated styles. With Tailwind CSS, you get to create the components that suit what you want or what you are working on. These co...
fixes #1853 The nextjs project does not compile from scratch if tailwind is enabled as it can't find the .json config file, it only looks for the .js config file by default. This change updates the...
Vitawind is a Vite helper that can help installing and setting up Tailwind CSS in few steps. Easy to use, just install Vitawind and add one line setting, you'll have the most fantastic developer experience! Vite Vite is the best frontend dev tool in my mind. Actually, Vite is really ...
Install TailwindCSSand Other Dependencies 代码语言:javascript 复制 pnpm install-Dtailwindcss postcss autoprefixer Generate Tailwind CSS Config File 代码语言:javascript 复制 pnpx tailwindcss init-p Add Tailwind CSS to PostCSS Config File tailwind.config.js 代码语言:javascript 复制 /** @type {import('...
In this article, we’ll learn about Vite, its advantages, and how to set up a React and Tailwind CSS application using it.
You’ll notice in the previous example that the text doesn’t fall directly on the grid lines. Because of the way CSS renders line-height (by adding space above and below the letters) it’s a lot easier to line the text upwithinthe grid lines rather than directly on them. It’s poss...
to: { height: 0 }, }, }, animation: { 'accordion-down': 'accordion-down 0.2s ease-out', 'accordion-up': 'accordion-up 0.2s ease-out', }, }, }, plugins: [require('tailwindcss-animate')], }; 0 comments on commit 938460d Please sign in to comment. Footer...
npx create-next-app@latest my-app --tailwind --eslint npx shadcn-ui@latest init npm run dev Getting a 404 page not found error. saniyasaher20 commented Dec 8, 2023 I recently tried setting up shadcn/ui in my Next.js project. However, I encountered an issue when I structured my Ne...
It tries to reduce the link down to this:, which doesn't work. Without --compact, it would be this instead:, which does work. The compact version looks like it would...