python 出现 setting Up Poetry Environment python settings 建立一个settings的模块,其中包含一个名为Settings的类,用于将所有设置存储在一个地方,以免在代码中到处添加设置。要修改游戏只需要修settiings.py中的一些值,而无需查找散步在文件中的不同设置。再创建一个Settings实例,并将其存储在变量ai_settings中,创建...
Install poetry $curl-sSL|python $source$HOME/.poetry/env Install tab completions for poetry $mkdir$ZSH/plugins/poetry $ poetry completionszsh>$ZSH/plugins/poetry/_poetry .zshrc plugins(poetry...) Update poetry poetry se... [[tool.poetry.source]] name = "ali" url = "" default = true redreamality reacted with thumbs up emoji 👍 Sorry, something went wrong. ...
Windows. (See thepipdocumentation for other examples of this practice.) In order to addsphinx-design, I have updated the nested 'docs' project and useduvx --from 'poetry==1.8.4' poetry get semantics which exactly match the version which was used when those files were created and ...
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in c:\users\tooba.nazim\appdata\local\pypoetry\cache\virtualenvs\chatgpt-retrieval-plugin-m-xvhbqh-py3.12\lib\site-packages (from requests>=2.26.0->tiktoken) (3.4) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in c:\users\tooba.nazim\app...
Summary ERROR: Job failed (system failure): prepare environment: setting up trapping scripts on emptyDir: error dialing backend: remote error: tls: internal...
I assumed it did something similar to pip install --user since I don't have the permission to write to the system Python environment, but I see now this is not the case. So the reason why it was working with Poetry <1.2.0 might be because it was using the virtual environment used ...
Description moved from: python-poetry/poetry#9043 When replacing deprecated default with primary poetry export sets extra index url instead of index url. [[tool.poetry.source]] name = "nexus" url = "https://myuser:mypass@nexus.mycompany/...
Issue Kind Improving documentation Existing Link Description In the documentation for extra, we can read this : [tool.poetry] name = "aweso...
A tutorial for setting up continuous integration for a Python app using Github and CircleCI. - akc-code/CalculatorLibrary