Setting up MongoDB with Docker In this page you can know how to run a docker image of MongoDB to be used with SwellRT.Create data directoriesMongoDB files can be stored in the host machine. We will put them at /var/local/lib/swellrt-demo/db...
To shutdown MongoDB, execute these (closing the terminal window is not enough): sudo /path/to/mongo --port port use admin db.auth("admin", "pass") db.shutdownServer() exit We can now set up the database as required by Futurism. Start the server with the command above, and ...
This guide shows you how to set up an example Node.js project in GitHub Codespaces using the Visual Studio Code web client. It will step you through the process of opening the project in a codespace, and adding and modifying a predefined dev ...
I want to deploy a CMS application developed in React, Redux, Mongo DB. I am new so I am wondering how can I setup this. Any guidelines will be helpful. I have following questions in my mind: What are pros and corn of having **Linux **or **Windows **based server. (also which ...
The private clusters use the following GCP featuresSetting up a private cluster: VPC Network Peering: Private clusters requireVPC Network Peering. Your VPC network contains the cluster nodes, but a separate VPC network in a Google-owned project contains the master. The two VPC networks are connec...
Setting up slave nodes On master Jenkins, click "Build Executor Status", and select "New Node". Type in "node-1" for "Node name", and select "Permanent Agent".The "Configure" page looks like this: For Credential, we paste the master's private key (~/.ssh/id_rsa) as shown below:...
If you want to get fancy, install Nodemon locally (npm install nodemon –save-dev) and introducenpm scriptsin yourpackage.jsonfile: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 “scripts": { "start": "node my-express-server.js", "dev": "nodemon my-express-server.js" ...
Escribenodey haz clic enNode.js y JavaScript. Hay otras opciones disponibles si el proyecto utiliza herramientas específicas. Por ejemplo, Node y MongoDB. Elige la versión de Node.js que quieres usar para el proyecto. En este caso, selecciona la vers...
edit: i mis-remembered LOL deleting it passes the test_clone locally, thanks for pointing this out to me!! sleepyStick added 5 commits September 16, 2024 20:38 PYTHON-4585 Cursor.to_list does not apply client's timeoutMS setting a06214c require failCommand should fix my errors 14057...
Describe the bug When setting (to run locally or in tests), the application fails to start due to a missing autowired depend bean in KubernetesKubectlCreateProcessor. The missing depend bean is io.ku...