Make sure the TTL index is created correctly on the _ts field. This command should be run in a MongoDB shell or a tool like MongoDB Compass or Studio 3T. JavaScript db.collection.createIndex({"_ts":1}, {expireAfterSeconds:3600}) ...
MongoDB Compass: This is good for checking data stored in my MongoDB Databases. Browsers I use Like any other web developer, I install many browsers on my computer (primarily for testing). Here are the ones I use: Safari: My main browser for browsing Chrome Canary: My main browser for ...
I want to deploy a CMS application developed in React, Redux, Mongo DB. I am new so I am wondering how can I setup this. Any guidelines will be helpful. I have following questions in my mind: What are pros and corn of having **Linux **or **Windows **based server. (also which ...
However, the surge in AI adoption has strained GPU and chip production to its maximum capacity. Limited chip manufacturing capabilities will result in a slowdown in AI processing by 2024, another Forrester report predicts. Businesses are expected to take a practical approach...
MongoDB Redis VirtualBox Vagrant Docker Amazon Tools Ionic and Cordova Projects folder Apps System update First thing you need to do, on any OS acutally, is update the system! For that:Apple Icon > Software Update... System preferences ...
you can check to see if the new icon works by double clicking on the and a notification should show up with your new icon! THEN you have to USE the custom path when calling for a notification in electron so it uses your version and not OSX's. ...
A metaverse allows people to replicate or enhance their physical activities. This could happen by transporting or extending physical activities to a virtual world or by transforming the physical one. It is a combinatorial innovation made up of multiple technology themes and c...
MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database. Install Installing it is very easy through Homebrew: $ brew update $ brew install mongo Usage In a terminal, start the MongoDB server: $ mongod In another terminal, connect to the database with the Mongo shell using: $ mongo I'll let you refe...
MongoDB MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database. Install Installing it is very easy through Homebrew: $ brew update $ brew install mongo Usage In a terminal, start the MongoDB server: $ mongod In another terminal, connect to the database with the Mongo shell using: $ mongo I'll let...