There are two options to choose from when it comes to setting up your LLC in Texas. "Member managed" or "manager managed". The first thing you need to know is that owners of any LLC are referred to as "members". A single member LLC has just one owner, while a multi-member LLC is...
If individual coaching is not right for you at this time, Goal-Setting "Coach-in-a-Box" will set you up! How do you achieve goals to move you forward? We have mapped all that out for you in our Coach-in-a-Box: Goal Setting. Simply download the file and open it. We walk you...
They open their doors. The business is established as soon as the individual starts doing business, although in some cases, licensing may be required. Compare this to a corporation or even a limited partnership in terms of start-up formalities to understand just how easy the sole proprietorship ...
The average cost of setting up an LLC varies significantly from state to state, and can also depend on whether states require that LLCs pay additional fees, such as the publication fees required in New York, or the Franchise Tax required in Delaware, Georgia, Texas and several other US stat...