Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook setting (redirected fromSettings) Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Idioms Encyclopedia set·ting (sĕt′ĭng) n. 1.The position, direction, or way in which something, such as an automatic control, is set. ...
If you want to start fresh, tapDon't restore. On theGoogle servicesscreen, make sure theBack up to Google Driveoption is turned on to automatically back upHTC 10.It's also recommended to have the options underLocationandDevice maintenanceturned on. Set upGoogle Assistant, or do this later....
When you switch on HTC U11 life for the first time—or after you've done a factory reset—you’ll need to set it up. Important: If you have data from a previous HTC phone that you need to copy, first back up the phone's data before you start setting up HTC U11 life. For gu...
UseGoogleMail UserRotation 震動On 震動WhenRinging VolumeAlarm VolumeBluetoothSco VolumeMusic VolumeNotification VolumeRing VolumeSystem VolumeVoice WaitForDebugger WallpaperActivity WifiMaxDhcpRetryCount WifiMobileDataTransitionWakelockTimeoutMs WifiNetworksAvailableNotificationOn WifiNetworksAvailableRepeatDelay WifiNum...
The first thing you'll encounter on Android Marshmallow, after a (for me at least) ridiculously long boot-up (dear Google, please make images usingWITH_DEXPREOPT), and a sparse welcome screen, is the requirement to log onto WiFi. Unfortunately though, there's no option to skip this, at...
AudienceInsightsDynamicLineup AudienceInsightsEntity AudienceSegment AudienceSegmentDimension BasicUserListInfo BookOnGoogleAsset BrandInfo BrandListInfo BudgetCampaignAssociationStatus BudgetSimulationPoint BudgetSimulationPointList BusinessNameFilter BusinessProfileBusinessNameFilter BusinessProfileLocation BusinessProfileLocat...
Snippet from the dmesg output (call is initiated, then volume attempted to be changed): [ 358.419558] msm_tdm_snd_startup: cpu_dai->id is not 2nd tdm, do nothing. [ 358.431893] afe_get_cal_topology_id: cal_type 8 not initialized for this...
Set up voicemail on your phone and ensure that you set your voicemail password so that it's different from the default password used to set up voicemail the first time. 2. From the main window, select .! Page | 3. Add a new Mail account: a. In the left column, select . b. ...
Learn more about the Android.Provider.Settings.Global.SysPropSettingVersion in the Android.Provider namespace.
Sign Me Up By clicking Sign Me Up, you confirm you are 16+ and agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Mindy Brooks, general manager for kids and families at Google, said in the blog post announcement that the company heard from parents who wanted to minimize digital distractions...