Instructions: In this example we're setting up a subdomain called "" and we want it to point to Login to your go daddy account. Click on "My Account". In the "Domains" section, click to expand your list of domains, and then click "Lau...
How things are going there on this issue?Please let me know if you would like further assistance.Best Regards, Eve Wang Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
How to link your domain on GoDaddy with an IIS How to list in two columns in Razor? How to load @ViewBag data to @Html.EditorFor field? how to load css & js file in mvc view? How to load dynamically user control/ partial view dynamically How to load PartialView using Ajax on butto...
Ending a session based on being disconnected for a minute or more does not help me as the thin client restarts and reconnects to the session in well under a minute. I need the session to end immediately when the session disconnects. Again, it did this in Server 2003 with this session ...
Install updated GoDaddy Certificate for RDC on 2012r2 Installing applications on a Remote Desktop Server... Installing MPSA RDS User CAL on a Windows 2016 RD Licensing Server Installing of Remote Desktop Connection Broker fail because of firewall rule Installing RDS automatically using local credentials...
I'm having an odd issue when setting up my Session Collection. Everything is functioning properly during the config, but when it gets to setting up the User Profile Disks, I am getting the following error: "Could not create the template VHD. Error Message: -800389783"....