–The default setting is to “use Git Bash only” which means you will only be able to use git commands from within the Bash shell. Personally, I also like to run the git commands from inside a windows command prompt or a PowerShell window, so I choose the second option “Run git fr...
You are correct in assuming that the Luckfox Pico Pro Max board does not have the capability to compile programs on its own. Instead, you need to use another computer (in your case, Windows 11 with Ubuntu 22.04.3 installed) to perform the SDK environment deployment. Here's a general outl...
Windows Terminal settings This should get you up and running with WSL. Time to shift our attention to Git! 2. Configuring Git Git comes installed with most Linux distributions, but you can make sure you're using the latest stable version by running the following command: sudo apt-get insta...
Git workflow example with sync OFF. Next: Making dashboards faster How to make your dashboards load faster. First, set up your staging MetabaseThere are two basic staging-to-production setupsMetabase staging-to-production setup with sync ONMetabase staging-to-production setup with sync OFF ...
Setting Up the ServerLet’s walk through setting up SSH access on the server side. In this example, you’ll use the authorized_keys method for authenticating your users. We also assume you’re running a standard Linux distribution like Ubuntu. First, you create a git user and a .ssh ...
Setting up a VMWindows 10 VM setup instructionsUse Hyper-V's Quick Create to set up a VM Once signed in to your VM, visit this project in a web browser and click one of the script links in the ReadmeLegalPlease read before using scripts....
So, how do I set up my command line Git experience? First of all you have to installGit for Windowsof course. I always use the .exe installer fromhere(ignore the –preview moniker, they are good – at the time of writing the latest is Git- Now one of...
'OWN_PRIVATE_API_URL' => 'unix:///var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-kas/sockets/private-api.socket' } Did I mess up thegitlab_rails['gitlab_kas_internal_url']setting somehow? When attempting to register a new agent I get anFailed to register an agent GRPC::Unavailableerror ...
Added: ["github.copilot-labs","ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-edit","ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl","ms-vscode.remote-repositories","piotrpalarz.vscode-gitignore-generator","sneezry.vscode-instant-weather"]. All of the extensions that were added in the above quote were added when my Windows in...
git config --global user.email "YOUR_EMAIL" Confirm that you have set the email address correctly in Git: $git config --global user.emailemail@example.com Add the email address to your account on GitHub, so that your commits are attributed to you and appear in your contributions graph. ...