First, we will describe six practical and methodological issues encountered whilst setting up BATH-OUT-2: securing funding for the trial, lack of non-NHS intervention costs, using research and support costs as intended, gaining approvals, identifying additional trial sites, and including people who...
As expected, these estimates are smaller in magnitude but still significant, except in the sample of men in the follow-up survey, where the smaller sample, coupled with the large number of zeros results in less precise estimates. Finally, we assess the robustness of our result showing a ...
To be inclusive and ensure as wider response and representation as possible we employed different approaches to data collection, namely paper and online surveys, which whilst increasing the number of responses, may have themselves influenced the content for example where assistance was provided for non...
Since the early 2010s, there has been increasing agreement among experts in the field as to the concepts and theories that should underly P/CVE programs and the methodologies employed (Barrelle, 2014; Horgan and Braddock, 2010), suggesting perhaps the field of research on these programs is ...
The use of soft power by the United States, as described in this study, may not only have been for the benefit of achieving U.S. objectives in Cuba, but also for the benefit of winning hearts and minds at home and abroad. The singular strategy of isolation that the U.S. employed ...
However, goal setting reflects only one of the processes involved in the self-management process [26]. Self-management, broadly defined as adoption and maintenance of health-improving behaviours, is conceptualised as comprising two different processes: motivational and self-regulatory [26,27]. The ...
as described in this study, may not only have been for the benefit of achieving U.S. objectives in Cuba, but also for the benefit of winning hearts and minds at home and abroad. The singular strategy of isolation that the U.S. employed for more than 50 years with Cuba may have tarnis...
As the interviewed initiator states, "What we didn't want – and we did end up getting some of this unfortunately—is officers [. . .] writing down what they thought should happen. And so it was a mixture. It wasn't a pure result in the end." Better targeting and inclusion of "...
s death later revealed she had been abusing him and indicated he set the fire because he was angry. Up to that point, it was assumed the fire had simply been an accident; the result of a small child playing with matches. As with suicidal or homicidal ideation, the child who is setting...
RQ2: How has DT as a transformative pedagogy impacted participants in a HSE course? RQ2: How has DT pedagogy set up conditions for transformative learning to occur? The study tries to explore the contextual lessons emerging from the investigation. However, it cannot be said that this investigat...