Malaria related deaths account for up to 11% of maternal mortality, 25% of infant mortality, and 20% of under-five mortality resulting in 300,000 childhood deaths annually [3,5]. The Federal Government of Nigeria is deeply committed to making progress towards the achievement of the Millennium...
Framework on HIV/AIDSinNigeria (2005-2009);Settingupof the National Agency for the Control of Aids (NACA) and its equivalent in the States and Local Government Areas; Public awareness campaign in the media on the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS; Creation of state associations of HIV-...
school childrenurban areaNigeriaThe prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis among pupils attending two different primary schools in Bomo village, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria was investigated. A total of two hundred urine samples were collected and analysed for the eggs of Schistosoma haematobium using ...
With a global target set at reducing vision loss by 25% by the year 2019, sub-Saharan Africa with an estimated 4.8 million blind persons will require human resources for eye health (HReH) that need to be available, appropriately skilled, supported, and p
Community organizations or NGO performing conventional HIV tests in a clinical setting can also refer to these guidelines as well as clinical [...] 至於在臨牀環境提供常 規愛滋病病毒抗體測試服務的社區組織或非政府機 構,亦可參考本指引,以及公營界別服務提供者所制訂的自願輔導及測試...
Therefore, the aim of this research was to conduct a qualitative study exploring the views of parents, children, and other stakeholders on the factors that could inform diet and PA interventions among school-aged children, with parental involvement, in an urban setting in Lagos, Nigeria. Specific...
Although the reports were listed from most endemic countries in SSA, a higher number of reported surveys were found in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe (Table 2). Table 2. Summary of prevalence reports of UGS by UM and hematuria in sub-Saharan Africa countries after...
18 and 13 other high risk HPV types. The time from sample to result is one hour twenty minutes. The machine was transported from Etoug-Ebe Baptist Hospital by plane. Two or three runs of up to 94 samples were conducted each day. Women tended to wait for their results and complete their...