As social needs become more diversified and the market economy makes further inroads, peoples'expectations for non-profit organizations (NPOs) have grown. In the past few years Japan has experienced a significant surge of various nonprofit activities led by the civil sector, in fields where services...
The role of intrapreneurship in developing job satisfaction among full-time university faculty in a non-profit setting: A comparison of practicing and non-practicing academic entrepreneurs.Kenney, Matthew G
You can also build a good business credit history. You want to be able to prove to the IRS that you’re running your business to make a profit. This ensures the losses you experience during the first few years will remain tax deductible. It’s also wise to build a good credit history...
The markup is defined as a percent or an amount that you add to costs for overhead and profit. The system calculates markup amounts when you generate or revise workfile transactions that are based on the billing rate and markup rules that you set up when you set up Contract and Service ...
While the letter confirms the sensitivity of the topic, in our view it is, at least in part, a result of misunderstandings by its authors. Importantly, our study is not based on "scientific modeling" (as suggested in the letter) but rather on the application of standard cost accounting ...
as a market maker for local energy markets and as an interlocutor with the Transmission System Operator (TSO) for system-wide ancillary services.Section 4discusses how the DSOs, or other market actors, can be incentivized to take up this role. A straightforward implementation of cost-plus regulat...
Swine viral diseases have the capacity to cause significant losses and affect the sector’s sustainability, a situation further exacerbated by the lack of antiviral drugs and the limited availability of effective vaccines. In this context, a novel point-of-care (POC) diagnostic device incorporating ...
Do you need to visit clients across the country and will this travel eat into your profit margins? Do you need to ship products? If so, check how long it will take to get them from your factory or warehouse to your end market as there’s a lot of terrain to cover. The proc...
However these costs for trials can add up and make them prohibitively expensive. This area needs some discussion between institutions where research is conducted and ministries of health, as a solution could encourage more locally run research that benefits local public health goals. Team of ...