在这种情况下,Maven会使用项目中的配置,也就是Java 1.9的语法和功能来编译项目,而不是使用settings.xml中配置的Java 1.8。 总结 综上所述,Maven的setting中的Java版本不一定需要与项目中使用的Java版本一致。一般来说,项目中指定的Java版本会覆盖setting中的配置。但为了避免不必要的混乱,建议在项目中明确指定Java版...
--Maven是否需要和用户交互以获得输入。如果Maven需要和用户交互以获得输入,则设置成true,反之则应为false。默认为true。--> <interactiveMode>true</interactiveMode> 1. 2. usePluginRegistry <!--Maven是否需要使用plugin-registry.xml文件来管理插件版本。如果需要让Maven使用文件${user.home}/.m2/plugin-registry...
Learn to configure the Java compiler version in a Maven project and a Spring boot application using Maven as a build tool. Learn to configure the Java compiler version in aMavenproject using different approaches. Also, learn to set the Java version for a Spring boot application using Maven as...
1、设置maven路径 Window->Preferences->Maven->Installations-> 选择maven的路径,如果原来有低版本的建议删除 选择好后点击finish 设置仓库路径 菜单->Window->Preferences->Maven->User Settings-> Global Settings 和 User Settings都使用,你maven安装的地方,找conf 文件夹下的 settings.xml E:\javaImport\maven\ap...
The demo project is a Java project built in Maven. Therefore, you need the JDK and the Maven plugin in IDEA. Figure 1 Click Import Project. Figure 2 Choose Maven. Figure 3 Select the JDK. You can select other options or retain the default settings. Click Finish. The demo project has...
withStatus public MicrosoftGraphAutomaticRepliesSetting withStatus(MicrosoftGraphAutomaticRepliesStatus status) Set the status property: automaticRepliesStatus. Parameters: status - the status value to set. Returns: the MicrosoftGraphAutomaticRepliesSetting object itself...
Please leverage appInsightsInstrumentationKey to indicate if monitoringSettings enabled or not. Parameters: traceEnabled - the traceEnabled value to set. Returns: the MonitoringSettingProperties object itself.Applies to Azure SDK for Java Latest
--> <!-- | This is the configuration file for Maven. It can be specified at two levels: | | 1. User Level. This settings.xml file provides configuration for a single user, | and is normally provided in ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml. | | NOTE: This location can be overridden ...
Choose the version of Java you want to use for your project. In this case, select the version marked "(default)." Select the option toInstall Mavenand clickOK. A list of additional features you can install is displayed. We'll install Ant, the ...
I can use jenv_set_java_home alias to set JAVA_HOME after changing it with jenv . Hi it seems to be a general maven problem, sorry for the irritation in the first post. jenv version: oracle64- (set by /Users/bherzig/Workspace/java/jhipster8-test/.java-version) ...