Android.Database.Sqlite Android.DeviceLock Android.Drm Android.Gestures Android.Graphics Android.Graphics.Drawables Android.Graphics.Drawables.Shapes Android.Graphics.Fonts Android.Graphics.Pdf Android.Graphics.Text Android.Hardware Android.Hardware.Biometrics Android.Hardware.Camera2 Android.Hardware.Camera2...
To do this, open the Phone Link,go toSettings > Features >Messagesand turn on the toggles for: Allow this app to show text messages from my phone Allow this app to send MMS attachments from my phone Allow this app to receive MMS attachments from my phone ...
To do this, open the Phone Link,go toSettings > Features >Messagesand turn on the toggles for: Allow this app to show text messages from my phone Allow this app to send MMS attachments from my phone Allow this app to receive MMS attachments from my phone ...
One of #VIBRATE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION or #VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER. vibrateSetting VibrateSetting The vibrate setting, one of #VIBRATE_SETTING_ON, #VIBRATE_SETTING_OFF, or #VIBRATE_SETTING_ONLY_SILENT. Attributes RegisterAttribute ObsoleteAttribute Remarks Sets the setting for when the vibrate type should...
VibrateSetting GetVibrateSetting (Android.Media.VibrateType vibrateType); Parameters vibrateType VibrateType The type of vibrate. One of #VIBRATE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION or #VIBRATE_TYPE_RINGER. Returns VibrateSetting The vibrate setting, one of #VIBRATE_SETTING_ON, #VIBRA...
Android.Database.Sqlite Android.DeviceLock Android.Drm Android.Gestures Android.Graphics Android.Graphics.Drawables Android.Graphics.Drawables.Shapes Android.Graphics.Fonts Android.Graphics.Pdf Android.Graphics.Text Android.Hardware Android.Hardware.生体認証 Android.Hardware.Camera2 Android.Hardware.Camera2.Param...
My team at work is having some issues using the Android version of Microsoft Teams, and I'm hoping there's a work-around we're just not...
class infocom.huawei.hms.mlsdk.text.MLLocalTextSetting.Factory创建文本检测配置器的实例,用于设置本地文本检测的属性。Public Meth……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
com.huawei.hms.mlsdk.text.MLRemoteTextSetting.Factory 创建云端文本检测配置器的实例,用于设置云端文本检测的属性。 Public Constructor Summary Constructor name Factory()创建文本检测配置器的实例。 Public Method Summary Return type Method name MLRemoteTextSetting create() MLRemoteTextSetting.Factory setBorder...
console.log("没有匹配到 函数 registerRemoteNotification"); rf = rf.replace(/\@end/,"- (void)registerRemoteNotification {\n if \(\[\[UIDevice currentDevice\].systemVersion floatValue\] >= 10.0\) \{\n\#if __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= __IPHONE_10_0 \/\/ Xcode 8编译会调用...