例如,如果你的PBE赝势安装在/home/user/vasp/potentials/PBE目录下,你需要将PBE_PATH修改为: plaintext PBE_PATH=/home/user/vasp/potentials/PBE 修改完成后,保存并退出编辑器(在vi中,你可以按Esc键,然后输入:wq并按回车来保存并退出)。 最后,为了使更改生效,你可能需要重新加载.bashrc文件或重新登录你的会话...
if show full path it will longer and longer qingsun-cltech commented Jun 26, 2024 You should change your setting in file ".bashrc", find the line where PS1 is set and change "w" to "W" Sorry, something went wrong. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already ...
#set CUDA path #(set to the symlink cuda rather than explicit cudaX.X for cases when you use multiple CUDA version) vim ~/.bashrc export PATH="/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" source ~/.bashrc cudNN 설치 download link...
Whenever you log in, this file is executed, and so the path should be set. (If you are using a different shell than bash, ask and someone can tell you the apropriate profile). Alternatively, if this is something that all users are likely to want in their environment, then you could ...
Set the TZ Variable in the "Shell rc" File The timezone variable must be set in thercfile of the shell that the host is using. For example, if the host is using a BASH shell, go to the user's home directory ($HOME) and add the following to the~/.bashrcfile to set the TZ va...
1. Save the attachment in ~/bin 2. $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo 3. Add the following line to the ~/.bashrc file export PATH=~/bin:$PATH 4.$ source ~/.bashrc repo.zip 0 Kudos Reply 08-06-2020 09:15 PM 4,512 Views zhangbaobing Contributor II Executeing this instruction ...
If you are running bash shell, you can add theJAVA_HOMEenvironment variable to the.bashrcfile in the user's home directory.
You will need to add the following to your ~/.bashrc file. ~/.bashrc file export HPATH=$HOME export GEM_HOME=$HPATH/ruby/gems export GEM_PATH=$GEM_HOME:/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.3 export GEM_CACHE=$GEM_HOME/cache export PATH=$PATH:$HPATH/ruby/gems/bin export PATH=$PATH:$HPATH/ruby...
Env Setting 2017-03-18 17:54 − 每次Build 环境都要整半天, 今天花了点时间稍微整理了一下,最关键的几个Step: 1. .bashrc 放了一个包含几个强迫症setting(比如提示符显示当前dir full path)的sample到github; 2. .vimrc - 同样,放了一个sample到github - 颜色... LEON的流水账 0 206 ...
At the moment, the user will be unable to find the SteamCMD tool we just installed as the “/usr/games” path is missing. You can begin modifying this file by using the command below. sudo nano /home/steam/.bashrcCopy 6. To the bottom of this file, add the following line. This sim...