You can set up an out-of-office message so that people who send you mail while you are away from the office receive a reply automatically. The automated reply tells people who send you mail that you are out of the office, and tells them when you will ret
Set out-of-office preferences If you plan to be out of the office, you can specify what happens to tasks that are assigned to you for that period. You have the option of specifying a start date and time and an end date and time for your out-of-office settings to be in effect. ...
A common problem - we have many users and as the administrator are often asked to set out of office greetings for users who are not at work but did not set their own greeting. We are using Exchange 2013. I know that I can go to the EAC - signed on as the domain/administrator - a...
PropertyValue Description Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the record. DisplayName Modified By (Delegate) IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName modifiedonbehalfby RequiredLevel None Type Lookup Targets systemuserOverwrite...
Set-CMClientSetting [-AllowUserToOptOutFromPowerPlan <Boolean>] [-Enable <Boolean>] [-EnableWakeupProxy <Boolean>] [-FirewallExceptionForWakeupProxy <WakeUpProxyFirewallExceptionTypes>] -Name <String> [-PassThru] [-PowerManagement] [-WakeOnLanPort <Int32>] [-WakeupProxyDirectAccessPrefix <Strin...
PropertyValue Description Shows when the record was created. DisplayName Created On IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName createdon RequiredLevel None Type DateTime CanChangeDateTimeBehavior False DateTimeBehavior UserLocal Format DateAndTime ImeMode Inactive SourceTypeMask 0CreatedOn...
Microsoft Support Support More Home Microsoft 365 Office Products Microsoft 365 Outlook Microsoft Teams OneDrive OneNote Windows Microsoft Edge more ... Devices Surface PC Accessories Xbox PC Gaming HoloLens Surface Hub Hardware warrantie...
A telecommunications method includes setting a media server greeting automatically responsive to detection of a change in setting of an e-mail system default message. The e-mail system default message may be an "out of office" outgoing message. The media server greeting may be a voice greeting....
When you use Instant Search in Microsoft Office Outlook, you receive the following message: No matches found. This occurs even if you include search criteria for items that do match items in your mailbox and Windows Desktop Search (WDS) is configured to index the Outlook Data (.ps...
When you assign or remove people from a task, Project lengthens or shortens the duration of the task based on the number of resources that are assigned to it, but Project does not change the total work for the task. This is called effort-driven scheduling and...