Here is an example of the setting of a story from author Nora Roberts, who is describing Ireland inThe Dark Witch: “Thecold carved bone deep, fueled by thelash of the wind,iced by the drowning raingushing from abloated sky. Such was Iona’s welcome toIreland. She loved it. How could...
The final cardinal rule of story setting is: keep your readers oriented. You don’t want people to get distracted from your plot because they’re too busy trying to untangle where the action is happening! Ironically, one of the quickest ways to confuse readers is to give them too much set...
set [sth] in [sth], set [sth] against [sth] vtr + prep often passive (locate, place: story) (故事、电影等) SC 以…为…的背景 Helena set her story against the backdrop of the Second World War. The novel is set in 19th-century Paris. 海伦娜以第二次世界大战作为自己故事的背景。
crime. You might be writing a crime story, love story, or a coming-of-age story, but once you have selected 1920s Chicago, some very important aspects of the place and time will affect the characters and plot. A story set in pre-World War II Europe is not the same as a story set...
Living in Wisconsin I have heard the stories many times but the way she used the history of the Little Bohemia Lodge as a “jumping off point” for her fictional story gave it solid roots that I really enjoyed. Larkspur became the middle of a hotbed of quite a mystery. The mystery ...
Successful people in life imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals. 【1】 It’s like having a sign to show you where you want to go. Think of it this way. There are two drivers. One has a place to go to clearly in mind which can be found on a map. He can dri...
When things happen outside, they are only referred to, but the entire focus of the story is on the Mallard house and what Mrs. Mallard can see through her window in her room as far as setting goes. However, what is interesting to note is the way that as Mrs. Mallard begins to...
One of the elements to consider in writing fiction is setting. Setting refers to the place where the actions in the story occur and the time in which they happen. Writers choose settings that are significant to the story or character's development. In Harry Potter, the story centers on ...
Built in the 1930s by a father for his young daughter, the 3-story, 18-room castle is constructed of stone and salvaged materials. The unique structure is a Phoenix Point of Pride.Temporarily closed. #40 Pedal Around Phoenix Another superb thing to do outside in Phoenix is to hop on ...
After sketching the trajectory of these diverse representations, involving five composers and an array of perspectives and moods, I focus particularly on the scores of West Side Story and Company to show how their edgy critiques inspired their composers, Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim, to ...