readonly items: Excel.Setting[]; 属性值 Excel.Setting[] 方法详细信息 add(key, value) 设置指定的 Setting 对象,或将其添加到工作簿中。 TypeScript add(key:string, value:string|number|boolean|Date|any[] |any): Excel.Setting; 参数 key
I have a simple table with months in the first column then data in the next few columns. I create the graph and across the bottom X axis I want the months for 2022 from Jan to Sep. The X axis options... Meanmachine911 Could you post a screenshot of the data, or better, attach ...
PropertyValue Description Date and time when the record was created. DisplayName Created On IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName createdon RequiredLevel None Type DateTime CanChangeDateTimeBehavior False DateTimeBehavior UserLocal Format DateAndTime ImeMode Inactive SourceTypeMask 0CreatedOn...
1. Log in to FineBI, clickMy Analysis, select a folder, and clickNew Subject. 2. ClickLocal ExcelandUpload Data. 3. ClickOKafter the data is uploaded. 4. ClickSave and UpdateandExit and Preview. The data is created successfully. ...
I have a simple table with months in the first column then data in the next few columns. I create the graph and across the bottom X axis I want the months for 2022 from Jan to Sep. The X axis options... HansVogelaar Here are a couple of screenshots. The first showing the spreadshe...
FormatDateAndTime ImeModeInactive SourceTypeMask0 CreatedOnBehalfBy PropertyValue DescriptionUnique identifier of the delegate user who created the record. DisplayNameCreated By (Delegate) IsValidForFormTrue IsValidForReadTrue LogicalNamecreatedonbehalfby ...
Default: Supports data types with selectable values. You can manually fill in the values. SupportsString,Integer,Double,Date,Boolean, andFormulatypes. Dataset: The data type of the value isAutomatic Matching, and the value can be selected from the data columns in the server dataset. ...
add(key: string, value: string | number | boolean | Date | any[] | any): Excel.Setting; Parameters key string The key of the new setting. value string | number | boolean | Date | any[] | any The value for the new setting. Returns Excel.Setting Remarks [ API set: ExcelApi...
Do not allow opening a copy of the script: When selected, the second or subsequent users attempting to open a script that is in use by another user will receive a prompt indicating the script is in use and cannot be opened. Date Format: Specifies the date format to use for all modules...
Use a specific date format: When selected, the Date Pattern follows the selected format. Databanks: Specifies the databank preferences. Databank Setup Timeout: Specifies how much time to spend preparing a databank for use before timing out. The value is in seconds. This setting includes the ...