Apple Watch Management Configure Passcode Policy Profile (Apple Watch) Configure Blocklist/Allowlist Apps Profile (Apple Watch) iOT Management VR Device Management Configure SureMDM Agent Settings file and import to Pico VR Device(s) Using SureMDM Agent Settings Using Runscript Job Enable Single Appl...
TapContinue EnterPasscode for This iPhoneto unlock this iPhone. TypeScreen Time Passcodeif ask; Now your iPhone back up to iCloud will startUploading Data to iCloud, if you don’t want to take a backup go withSkip Backup. Now, Follow the on-screen instructions to terminate the process. ...
这里以GmailBot(一个通过Telegram收发Gmail的机器人)为例,每个机器人也对应一个唯一地址,GmailBot的地址是,可以在浏览器中打开。 唤起Telegram机器人界面之后,添加下方的Start按钮。添加之后,机器人会提示让你授权,点击授权按钮,会唤起浏览器并跳转到Gmail授权界面,授权完成之后即可开始收发Gmail。