ExSetTimer 例程启动计时器操作,并将计时器设置为在指定的到期时间过期。 语法 C++ 复制 BOOLEAN ExSetTimer( [in] PEX_TIMER Timer, [in] LONGLONG DueTime, [in] LONGLONG Period, [in, optional] PEXT_SET_PARAMETERS Parameters ); 参数 [in] Timer 指向EX_TIMER 结构的指针。 此结构是以前由 ExAl...
The KeSetTimerEx routine sets the absolute or relative interval at which a timer object is to be set to a signaled state, optionally supplies a CustomTimerDpc routine to be executed when that interval expires, and optionally supplies a recurring interval for the timer.SyntaxBOOLEAN KeSetTimerEx(...
The ExInitializeSetTimerParameters routine initializes an EXT_SET_PARAMETERS structure.SyntaxC++ Αντιγραφή void ExInitializeSetTimerParameters( [out] PEXT_SET_PARAMETERS Parameters ); Parameters[out] ParametersA pointer to the EXT_SET_PARAMETER structure that is to be initialized....
The KeSetTimerEx routine sets the absolute or relative interval at which a timer object is to be set to a signaled state, optionally supplies a CustomTimerDpc routine to be executed when that interval expires, and optionally supplies a recurring interval for the timer.Syntax...
timer.setTimerExpirySec(seconds);while(!timer.hasExpired()) { LLFrameTimer::updateFrameTime(); pump->pump(); pump->callback(); }returntimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); } 开发者ID:CmdrCupcake,项目名称:SingularityViewer,代码行数:12,代码来源:llpipeutil.cpp ...
在下文中一共展示了ConnectionManager::SetTimer方法的1個代碼示例,這些例子默認根據受歡迎程度排序。您可以為喜歡或者感覺有用的代碼點讚,您的評價將有助於係統推薦出更棒的C++代碼示例。 示例1: CurlTimerCallback ▲點讚 7▼ intConnectionManager::CurlTimerCallback(CURLM* multi_handle,longtimeout_ms,void*...
The KeSetTimerEx routine sets the absolute or relative interval at which a timer object is to be set to a signaled state, optionally supplies a CustomTimerDpc routine to be executed when that interval expires, and optionally supplies a recurring interval for the timer.Syntax...
The KeSetTimerEx routine sets the absolute or relative interval at which a timer object is to be set to a signaled state, optionally supplies a CustomTimerDpc routine to be executed when that interval expires, and optionally supplies a recurring interval for the timer.Syntax...
The KeSetTimerEx routine sets the absolute or relative interval at which a timer object is to be set to a signaled state, optionally supplies a CustomTimerDpc routine to be executed when that interval expires, and optionally supplies a recurring interval for the timer.Syntax...
The ExInitializeSetTimerParameters routine initializes an EXT_SET_PARAMETERS structure.SyntaxC++ კოპირება void ExInitializeSetTimerParameters( [out] PEXT_SET_PARAMETERS Parameters ); Parameters[out] ParametersA pointer to the EXT_SET_PARAMETER structure that is to be initialized...