An administrative User creates the Synonym Set; when a search page end user searches for a keyword or phrase, the synonymous terms in the set are also searched.For example, a user might search for the word “US”. Most likely, the user would want search results that also included synonyms...
网络同义词集 网络释义 1. 同义词集 ...,它是这样一个系统,通过将同义词的集合集中到称为同义词集(synonym sets)或 同义集(synsets)的组中来描述和分类 …|基于6个网页 例句
WordNet 用同义词集合(synsets)来表示词汇概念,并描述词汇矩阵,即在词形和意义之间建立起映射(mapping)关系(Mill…|基于9个网页 3. 同义集 ...中到称为 同义词集(synonym sets)或同义集(synsets)的组中来描述和分类单词和概念。|基于6个网页 更多释义 例句...
WordNet 用同义词集合(synsets)来表示词汇概念,并描述词汇矩阵,即在词形和意义之间建立起映射(mapping)关系(Mill…|基于9个网页 3. 同义集 ...中到称为 同义词集(synonym sets)或同义集(synsets)的组中来描述和分类单词和概念。|基于6个网页 更多释义 例句...
The contents are described below: kind Required.Must be set toPluginSet. id Required.A short identifier for the plugin set, for examplemypluginset. name Required.A display name for the plugin set, for exampleMy Plugin Set. builder Required.An object defining the plugin set's builder together...
The Oracle mode of OceanBase Database supports the following character sets: binary gbk gb18030 utf16 utf8mb4 latin1 gb18030_2022 Note To support seamless migration, OceanBase Database takes utf8 as a synonym for utf8mb4. Applicability OceanBase Connector/J does not support utf8mb4_unicode_...
Conventionally, given the random published answerq~in the differential privacy literature, theprivacy lossfunction name is a synonym for the log-likelihood ratio: LXX′(q~)≜lnfq~(q~|X)fq~(q~|X′), (2) whereX∈Xis the set of data used to compute the query andX′is an alternat...
When the AUG- prefix is used to add diffuse functions to the cc-pV*Z basis sets, one diffuse function of each function type in use for a given atom is added [Kendall92, Woon93]. For example, the AUG-cc-pVTZ basis places one s, one d, and one p diffuse functions on hydrogen ...
Many of these duplicate sets are found in the same publication. The publications having multiple tables often list the same sets but with different measurements or statistics, for example, measuring the expression of a set of genes under different conditions. We found fewer duplicate gene sets ...
The terminology 'preorder' is a synonym for 'quasi-order' namely a reflexive transitive binary relation. Let (R,≤) denote a preordered set R with respect to ≤. An initial set I in R is a nonempty subset I of R for which a≤b∈I implies a∈I. A proper initial set P is said...