网络同义词集 网络释义 1. 同义词集 ...,它是这样一个系统,通过将同义词的集合集中到称为同义词集(synonym sets)或 同义集(synsets)的组中来描述和分类 …|基于6个网页 例句
WordNet 用同义词集合(synsets)来表示词汇概念,并描述词汇矩阵,即在词形和意义之间建立起映射(mapping)关系(Mill…|基于9个网页 3. 同义集 ...中到称为 同义词集(synonym sets)或同义集(synsets)的组中来描述和分类单词和概念。|基于6个网页 更多释义 例句...
Every column of theCHAR,VARCHAR, orTEXTtype, or a synonym type has a column character set and a column collation. Specify the character set and collation for a column You can execute theCREATE TABLEorALTER TABLEstatement to specify the character set and collation for a column by using the f...
The contents are described below: kind Required.Must be set toPluginSet. id Required.A short identifier for the plugin set, for examplemypluginset. name Required.A display name for the plugin set, for exampleMy Plugin Set. builder Required.An object defining the plugin set's builder together...
Note UTF8is a deprecated synonym forutf8mb3, and you should expect it to be removed in a future version of MySQL. Specifyutfmb3or (preferably)utfmb4instead. This chapter discusses the following topics: For more information about configuring character sets for application use and character set-...
697K Synonyms & 67K Antonyms & 5M Sentences for 71.9K WordsDictionary of Synonym, Antonym, Definition, Example Sentences Size:284.00 MB- Tables:5- Records:71,917- Categories:Arts & Literature,Language,Reference 2.9M Canada Yellow Pages: Desc, Address, Lat, Lon, Tel. Database3,167,986 yello...
CHARACTER SETis used in clauses that specify a character set.CHARSETcan be used as a synonym forCHARACTER SET. Character set issues affect not only data storage, but also communication between client programs and the MySQL server. If you want the client program to communicate with the server ...
The terminology 'preorder' is a synonym for 'quasi-order' namely a reflexive transitive binary relation. Let (R,≤) denote a preordered set R with respect to ≤. An initial set I in R is a nonempty subset I of R for which a≤b∈I implies a∈I. A proper initial set P is said...
The key element of the definition of the synset in PWN is the notion ofsynonymy. Miller et al. (1993) rely on Leibnitz’s perspective on synonymy: the exchange of a word in a sentence for its synonym does not change the truth value of that sentence in its usages. Such a definition, ...
“Zombie” transactions in your system. Let’s take again the example of an order in an Ecommerce system. I will take a regular case. Your order is passed the same day you pay, then is fulfilled within the month and then can be reimbursed/return within the last 90 days. After 90 ...