Till now, three classes of pattern Sturmian words are known: rotation words, simple Toeplitz words and a class of words with rare 1, where the first two of them are recurrent, while the last ones are not [11], [12]. For a recurrent pattern Sturmian word α, there exists an optimal ...
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The widespread implementation of machine learning in safety-critical domains has raised ethical concerns regarding algorithmic discrimination. In such sett
Without any cutoff (kmax 5 N – 1) two of the network classes display a transition at c < 1.9, with linear scaling above, and vanishingly weak dependence below, but in the third network class we find linear scaling irrespective of c. We find that the partial MDS, which dominates a ...
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We investigate the problem of computing a minimum set of solutions that approximates within a specified accuracy ε the Pareto curve of a multiobjective optimization problem. We show that for a broad class of bi-objective problems (containing many import
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Author notes Vincent Wagner and Benjamin Castellaz contributed equally to this work. Authors and Affiliations Institute for Stochastics and Applications, University of Stuttgart, Wankelstraße 5, Stuttgart, 70563, Germany Vincent Wagner, Benjamin Castellaz, Lars Kaiser, Sebastian Höpfl & Nicole Rad...