To learn more about performing these operations, see the MDN docs for Implementing basic set operations. Realm Object Models To define a property type as a Realm Set, specify the data type you want in the set, followed by <>. For instance, for a set made of integer values, specify "...
Mapping Complex JSON Structures With JDK8 Nashorn - DZone Java JSON.parse() - JavaScript | MDN ( Writing Scripts in Nashorn - Scripting in Java: Integrating with Groovy and JavaScript - page 128 ( Use Scripting Filter ...
In a similar way to using theallowattribute on aniframeto enable specific features for a domain map to an equivalent Permissions Policy, it would be possible to provide an equivalent for a storage access call. For example, the JavaScript call: ...
See MDN's notes on WeakRefs for more info. WeakerSet This class implements a pattern similar to the WeakSet, but allows for enumeration and clearing. Ironically, the implementation depends on a WeakerMap and a WeakMap in tandem, managing a group of WeakRefs. Note that elements may not be...
For example, the JavaScript call: document.requestStorageAccessFor('https://fps-member2.example') Could be equivalent to an HTTP header, possibly using permissions policy syntax: Permissions-Policy: storage-access=(self "https://fps-member2.example") While this option may be attractive in th...