Twitter Google Share on Facebook total order (redirected fromTotal ordered set) [′tōd·əl ′ȯr·dər] (mathematics) The total order of an analytic function in a domainDis the algebraic sum of its orders at all poles and zeros inD. ...
>>> letters |= OrderedSet('shazam') >>> letters OrderedSet(['a', 'b', 'r', 'c', 'd', 'x', 's', 'h', 'z', 'm']) >>> letters & set('aeiou') OrderedSet(['a']) >>> letters -= 'abcd' >>> letters OrderedSet(['r', 'x', 's', 'h', 'z', 'm']) The...
functionflash3ComponentsShow($options){global$xoopsModuleConfig;include_oncedirname(__FILE__) ."/config.php"; $sp_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler('spotlight','spotlight'); $page_handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler('page','spotlight');// spotlight object$sp_obj = $sp_handler->get($options...
Example 3: Sort Rows of data.table Based on Multiple Columns The following R programming code illustrates how to order the rows of a data.table based on multiple columns. More precisely, the following R syntax orders our data.table using the two columns x1 and x2: data_new3<-data# Dupli...
R.color.username1, R.color.username2, R.color.username3, R.color.username4, R.color.username5, R.color.username6); mSwipeRefreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener(this); mAdapter =newCategoryAdapter(getContext(),R.layout.category_item,mDatas); ...
SepsisComputerized order entryOrder setsDecreasing mortalityIn an effort to improve outcome of patients with sepsis, we developed and implemented a disease-specific alert and order set for our computerized physician order entry system. This alert and order set were implemented in 2015. We have ...
getPathMatcher(); if (pathMatcher != null) { mapping.setPathMatcher(pathMatcher); } Map<String, Predicate<Class<?>>> pathPrefixes = configurer.getPathPrefixes(); if (pathPrefixes != null) { mapping.setPathPrefixes(pathPrefixes); } return mapping; } ...
privatevoidaddWpComSignIn(PreferenceCategory wpComCategory,intorder) {if(WordPress.hasDotComToken(getActivity())) {Stringusername = mSettings.getString(WordPress.WPCOM_USERNAME_PREFERENCE, null);Preference usernamePref =newPreference(getActivity());usernamePref.setTitle(getString(R.string.username)); ...
We sought to examine the effect on blood usage of a new electronic order set restricting transfusion orders to specific evidence-based criteria for each unit (U) of red blood cells (RBC), plasma, and platelets. Prospectively collected transfusion data for Trauma ICU patients were compared for th...
profileCategory.setTitle(R.string.section_saved_passwords); profileCategory.setOrder(ORDER_SAVED_PASSWORDS); getPreferenceScreen().addPreference(profileCategory);for(inti =0; i < count; i++) { PasswordUIView.SavedPasswordEntry saved = mPasswordManagerHandler.getSavedPasswordEntry(i); ...