Describe the bug When we refetch a query, the isLoading property doesn't set to true. It always remains false. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Create a request using the useQuery. Extract the refetch method from the returne...
loading = true; // 这里会抛出 TypeError 在这个例子中,someObject 没有被初始化,直接尝试设置其 loading 属性会导致错误。 3. 确认对象是否已被正确定义和初始化 在尝试设置属性之前,应确保对象已被定义且初始化。如果对象是从函数或API调用中返回的,确保该调用成功并返回了有效的对象。 修正代码 为了修复这个...
exists() #目录或文件是否存在 is_dir() #是否是目录,目录存在返回True is_file() #是否是普通文件,文件存在返回True。 is_fifo() #是否是FiFO文件,如果文件路径是链接文件,链接文件指向FIFO文件,并未断开,则为True,否则为False is_symlink() #是否是软连接 is_block_device() #是否是块设备 is_char_devi...
virtual void SetIsLoading &40; bool bInIsLoading &41; Copy full snippetRemarksSets whether this archive is for loading data.ParametersNameDescription bInIsLoading true if this archive is for loading, false otherwise.Ask questions and help your peers Developer Forums Write your own tutorials or ...
stakeTokens = (amount) => { this.setState({ loading: true }) this.state.diaToken.methods.approve(this.state.tokenBank._address, amount).send({ from: this.state.account }).on('transactionHash', (hash) => delayedCallback(this, hash)); function delayedCallback(obj, hash) { console.log...
printStackTrace(); } configuration.setAPIBuiltinEnabled(true); configuration.setClassLoaderForTemplateLoading(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(), "templates/notes"); return configuration; } Example 4Source File: From synthea with Apache License 2.0 6 votes private static ...
[英]Set true if you want to disable lazy loading. That is, once the object graph is returned further lazy loading is disabled. [中]如果要禁用延迟加载,请设置true。 也就是说,一旦返回对象图,将禁用进一步的延迟加载。 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: org.actframework/act-ebean-java7 ...
,第三种就是通过API设置。wx.showNavigationBarLoading()设置在导航条上显示Loading加载状态wx.hideNavigationBarLoading()隐藏...原文:微信小程序把玩(三十九)navigationAPI演示效果也看到了小程序也就提供这几个处理导航控制。值得注意的是只能同时导航五个页面主要属性:导航条一些方法 ...
hooks [useRequest] loading first time state always return true when use ready and set loadingDelay...
viewer.scene.requestRenderMode = true; viewer.scene.rethrowRenderErrors = true; viewer.scene.postProcessStages.fxaa.enabled = false; viewer.scene.fxaa = false; viewer.scene.fxaaOrderIndependentTranslucency = false; viewer.scene.globe.maximumScreenSpaceError = 1.5; ...