于是便进入到了第⑦步,注意,这非常有点意思,实际上,通过longjmp函数的调用后,程序控制流(尤其是eip的值)再次戏剧性地进入到了 setjmp函数的处理内部中,但是这一次setjmp返回的值是longjmp函数调用时,所传入的第2个参数,也即-1,因此程序接下来进入到了第⑧ 步的执行之中。 总结 与goto语句不同,在C语言中,setjm...
(1)goto只能实现本地跳转,而setjmp()与longjmp()的组合运用,能有效的实现程序控制流的非本地(远程)跳转; (2)与goto语句不同,setjmp()与longjmp()的组合运用,提供了真正意义上的异常处理机制。例如,它能有效定义受监控保护的模块区域(类似于C++中try关键字所定义的区域);同时它也能有效地定义异常处理模块(类似...
在一个大型软件里面通常都会有jump 的处理,如果在较深的子模块遇到fatal error 能够直接跳到最外层做...
linux setjmp longjmp setjmp、longjmp 实现了非局部调整 The functions described on this page are usedforperforming"nonlocal gotos": transferring execution from onefunctionto a predetermined location in another func‐ tion. The setjmp()functiondynamically establishes the target to which control will later ...
If you decide to use setjmp and longjmp in a C++ program, also include <setjmp.h> or <setjmpex.h> to assure correct interaction between the functions and Structured Exception Handling (SEH) or C++ exception handling.Microsoft SpecificIf you use an /EH option to compile C++ code, destructors...
The setjmp and longjmp functions are used like a super-goto: int setjmp (jmp_buf env);void longjmp (jmp_buf env, int value); jmp_buf is a data structure that holds the current execution context ... Get Advanced Mac OS X Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide now with the O’Reilly...
If you decide to usesetjmpandlongjmpin a C++ program, also include <setjmp.h> or <setjmpex.h> to assure correct interaction between the functions and Structured Exception Handling (SEH) or C++ exception handling. Microsoft Specific If you use an/EHoption to compile C++ code, destructors for ...